Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Vladimir Ranked Playstyle.

199 Votes

By: Expected on 2011-05-29 :: Viewed 221625 times


LoL Champion: Vladimir (Cheat Sheet)

League of Legends Vladimir Spell Ghost
League of Legends Vladimir Spell Flash
Health Per 5 Sec16
Mana Per 5 Sec0
Magic Resist86
Attack Damage99
Crit Chance0%
Crit Damage0%
Attack Range450
Movement Speed310
Ability Power164.85
Attack Speed0%
Life Steal0%
Armor Penetration0
Magic Penetration8.55
Cooldown Reduction5.9%
Gold Per 10 Sec0
Reduced Death Time0%
LoL Rune Greater Mark of Insight
Greater Mark of Insight
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Resilience
Greater Seal of Resilience
LoL Rune Greater Glyph of Focus
Greater Glyph of Focus
LoL Rune Greater Quintessence of Potency
Greater Quint of Potency

Ability Sequence

league of legends ability Crimson PactCrimson Pact
league of legends ability TransfusionTransfusionVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability
league of legends ability Sanguine PoolSanguine PoolVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability
league of legends ability Tides of BloodTides of BloodVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability
league of legends ability HemoplagueHemoplagueVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability

Purchase Order

Boots of Speed
Health Potion
Hextech Revolver
Sorcerer's Shoes
Rabadon's Deathcap
Will of the Ancients
Void Staff
Quicksilver Sash
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Elixir of Brilliance
Elixir of Fortitude
Sight Ward
Vision Ward
Oracle's Elixir

Mastery Trees

Plentiful Bounty
Archmage's Savvy
Burning Embers
Archaic Knowledge
Offensive Mastery
Brute Force
Improved Rally

Offense: 9

Mender's Faith
Strength of Spirit
Defensive Mastery
Harden Skin
Veteran's Scars

Defense: 0

Spatial Accuracy
Good Hands
Expanded Mind
Utility Mastery
Blink of an Eye
Mystical Vision
Presence of the Master

Utility: 21

Vladimir Ranked Playstyle.

By: Expected

Introduction of Build

My build mostly focuses on making

 a Hefty Power house,
If used right likely will never get much deaths
while putting out
 tons of dmg.[/h3]


Making Champion Build is like Making Yu Gi Oh Decks

IF you have played Yu Gi Oh before, good, but I can make others understand it too.

In Card game called Yu-Gi-Oh you have to make Deck of 40 Cards, however you have to be smart.
When making these decks. Because without main points, "Theme" to a deck,
Than that deck is a "shtty multi deck."

In LoL all Champion Builds need a theme.

Like Old Deny  , With three EXP quints  and  Exp buff  , and denying  Enemy solo exps.

This build is my very own, "Unique"  build and "Theme" is to make  

Powerful and Flexible to unexpected situations as much as possible.

I hope you guys enjoy this build and thank you for reading this small introduction.

Introduction of Myself

I have 2 account

Expected : Lvl 30 : Raised with my sweat + blood

Niggs : Lvl 30 : Gifted by my friend when he quited this game. Had 54 champions and 4 skins
Compared to my Expected, that's 50 more champions and 4 more skins

[Apologzies for the "Niggs" if anyone is offended by it, I've sent request to Riot serveral times but been ignore countless times. ]



I almost likely never get all the above listed items.

I've just listed what I thought was the "Most likely" to go with.

However, not only vladimir but League of Legend is NOT a game
where you can always stick to one build and expect to even climb to 1400 rating in ranked.

If I had to list all the Items I used on vladimir so far,
I would've had to added every single items in League of Legends

[ Yes I've made Tanky AD vlad before I'd advise against it ;) ]

Starting Items

Is always recommended from my opinion.
Extra speed 1with 600 extra hp doesn't hurt

Some people may recommend   
But its not as durable and 20ap won't scratch that much difference in your power
in fact it might hurt you more, when opponent has boot and you can't catch them.


Will of the Ancients

Its just a simply an amazing item for vlad. 70 Good solid AP. [50 flast 20 aura]
and great spell vamp 25% + 4stack of  which most of the times allows vlad to farm 24/7.
Rabadon's DeathCap

No argument about it, Its the best AP per Gold ratio in game and the amazing 30% buff on AP.

Everything else would be "Optional Items"

First of all


I recommend following 4

Great shoes, with 35% debuff on all Crowd Control[cc] effect on your champion

Most recommended and effective shoes for vlad, by my own personal opinion
with runes it will give 29 Magic pen. and most squishy champs you'll hunt down only has around 30 basic Magic resist, Meaning your  will hit hard.

This one needs little explanation.
This is a boot to get when you feel like you need to help your team a lot,
Effective when ganking across the map after recalling, by popping ghost along with it.
You must have decent farm and good enough score to actually afford to fail ganks.
While it is a risky factor to leave your lane to help your team, if you do it correctly you'll never have to complain about your team being bad ever again ;)

Not my fav. choice, however still very viable on many Vlad builds.
It just doesn't synchrolize good enough with my build that's why I'd advise against it.
Other boots are more effective if used with this build.

To gank boots of mobility is way better + Map control wise.
Boot of Swiftness while giving little extra boost on speed takes away anything else vlad would be better off with. Little better harass little more speed won't make a lot of difference on vlad trust me.

Finally the Big and most often "argued" part.

Actual Itemization.

These Two Items I consider as 4/5 for Vlad.

I'll throw in the big bomb first, one which will get me the most argument.
Unlike ALL the other vlad builds out there, I will say that

While  is a Great Item That I put in my build around 50% of the time.
DON'T think Rylai is MENDATORY for VLADIMIR!

Now now, before you comment and vote me down for
"  is mendatory for vlad you froob"
Let me explain myself.

Will of the ancients and Deathcap is without a doubt 5 out of 5 for Vlad.
Rylai on the other hand is on the shaky side of 4 out of 5

Although it works like double the fun with twice the passive bonus from Health and AP [Aprroximately 92.5 ap to be exact and around 600 hp]

and it seems like it has amazing Passive of slowing all ur enemies down with
ur 2Second CD Q  or AoE E  + W[Sanguine pool size=24].

Its little too expensive.

3105 Gold for little over 80 ap [ 92.5 with health passive ]

when Ancient which gives 80 Ap + 25% life steal is 2100 gold
or Void staff which gives 70 ap + 40% magic pen is 2295 gold

What Im saying is that there are items just as good for vlad as rylai for cheaper price.

If your farming well, doing well and is able to purchase the  than be my guest
1K extra for good boost to your arsenal.

If you want to save that 1k for something else than I recommend you getting
 40% magic pen, which is just un deniable for any caster,
Along with a Death cap it is one of the most mendatory "Mage" needed item in LoL.

[Honestly My recommendation would be just take both ;)]

Anyways, So far it will be like this

  ,   .
  ,   .

At this point eating Blue Elixir and such you'll have more than enough AP [Over 500 ap]
to hurt your opponent badly. So let's get some defensive into the build.


Little bit more Tanky item for Vlad Which I would give 5 out of 5 for is the following.

QSS : Is an amazing Item. Cheap + Good Magic resist and GOOD OLD CLEANSE.
I played this game after the patch however I heard a legend that long time ago OLD CLEANSE was able to Cleanse everything, I mean EVERYTHING [ ignite,single target ulti etc]
That's what this Item is able to do. Two words, Freakin, Amazing.
Especially champs like vlad where if you pick him in Ranked Games your opponent team sees that and Stacks at least 2 Ignites to you.

   you just laugh at em'
when Opponent thinks they have gaurenty kill
when they  you on 100 hp and run away
you just laugh at em'

Zhonya Ring. : You gotta be smart using this Item, adding on to good Armor + AP for decent price its active is amazing. When or when a  that is about to kill you is flying towards you press this Zhonya ring conviniently and you'll escape death many times.

In this case you don't have to choose between two, I always get em' both if I get a chance to
So build should look something like.


Void Staff + Rylai Combos. because Honestly. Either of those are hard to throw away.
So Here is 2 Options I would give you which I believe won't be as safe but more powerful




- OTL why. this is like the latest indiana jones I've seen. what is wrong with you
why do you do this to such an amazing champion?
To back up with "Reasons" Warmog is too expensive for what it does for vlad and you can get soooo much better items for that price which will make people say
" Vlad is an easy champ "
" Vlad is OP,"


Honorable Mention

Following items are such that if used in other vlad builds with different theme could work very nicely, but it just doesn't work for my build and what I'm trying to acheive.

- Okay this item isn't bad at all, but problem is that it takes up space which one of your amazing 6 vladimir item should go in. QSS provides you with more than enough magic resist, and Will of Ancient gives you more than enough healing. You don't need this.

- Great extra dmg output however, in my build you already do more than enough damege with great survivility there's no room for this baby :(

- Okay this Item gives Magic reisist, AoE aura that lowers enemies Magic resist.
and 2650 decent price, however there's no spot for this item to go in my build.
 gives more than enough magic pen + Sorcerer's boots
and you get all the extra magic resist from  

Great Item, I'll explain why I get  instead of this in next chapter little more detailed.


Crazysmurf has bought this question up, and I'm willing to discuss in full details.

In my build, you have to realized that unlike all other Vlad build
I don't have  .


Magic resist   

Overall rating as an item   

Overall rating for this build   

Overall rating for Vlad[?]   

While  gives great
Health regen + Better magic resist and Movement speed.
It doesn't really fit in with other items in this build.

When you get  you pretty much force youreslf to get
 for you need some debuff on those CC[Crowd Control] Effects.

 is the reason why I throw away  without hesistation in my build, [ although sometimes i do get it.]

It removes ANY debuffs, even when your Silenced. Silence
Debuffs including   etc.

This is a life saver to many Vlads many times and not only that this is overall a great item. only costs around 1.4k and it'll save you more times than other overly expensive 3k+ items.

Summoner Spells

Let's Get down to business...
to defeat the huns

Recommended S. Spells!


Your not  , your not  , your not  , YOUR A  .

While  is an amazing champion, he does not have any good cc[   etc] except amazing run + chase + slow on so when squishes like  pisses the Crimson Reaper  off because she  knows  can't stun or one hit kill her when she has  , you just back slap  in the face by   every where  go.

Not only chasing down squishes and eating num num num on them like Mr.Gentleman Cho does.
you can run away from any ganks that you've gotten your self in.
Honestly lot of people say Vlad needs  but he doesn't.
I mean early game you might be crippled with 1 or 2 kills that you could possibly get or lose a fight against Champions like or  which you could've won with  . But, for a greater good mid and late game you need to give up on  .

[When   and such has  against you and you don't. just don't fight and farm Don't get killed either <- HONESTLY not hard as  . Chance will always shine upon  .]

Now how to efficiently use both summoner spells


Best escape method isn't  ->  or  ->  .

Best escape Method for VLAD is  FIRST Than  

I can't stress this enough because even I, who I think is pretty much the best vlad player in game panicks sometimes and forget to use my amazing escape combo.

You get the speed of  + Speed bonus from  and invincibility for 3 seconds.
and if they're still on you than just  for extra distance.
99% of the time you'll be able to escape and laugh at 2~5 enemies that have chased you.

Tides of Blood < Sanguine Pool?

Trophycase has brought this interesting disccustion to me and Im willing to answer in indepth.

 Increasing 30magic attack power per lvl at lvl 5 it gives benefit of base magic attack if you make it into 4 stack with 100% damege buff basic would be 300.

however while this being Vladmir's best attack in team fight, It is not worth to increase 240 magic attack [ 120+ with 4 levels and 4 stack 120+ ]

and throw away 8 second decrease in CD for  
each and every second for CD on  can be a life saver
and when  hits lvl 5, you at least use this skill twice per battle
which is VERY useful in many fights where you need the Chasing + Escaping powers.

Although Maxing out  is still good choice
or Going in   x5 mixing order.

But, this is my own personal opinion on how Vlad should be played.

I consider getting out of fight alive as vlad very important and
try to max survivility while not lowering any of my strength too much.

Raising W all the way instead of E might give you less explosion poweer
however I feel like it has saved my life more than once just by that seconds on CD,
[ Dodging karthus's ulti and Escaping Gold Card when TF finds you low HP with Destiny etc. ]

Skill Explanation.


Its very hard to use Pool "Smartly" ALL THE TIME

While being a GREAT escape method
[ possibly one of the best in game ]
In late game it also does AoE dmg of similar to Transfusion [ over time ]

I don't want to get technical but if you successfully Get all  -  -  -  

into your opponent late game that'll worth of around 4  dmg
Which is around 2000+ dmg easily. This is absolutely not including your  yet.

I don't want to bore you guys making paragraph of everything this spell can do
so I'll list how you should use it.

1. Synchronized with  , possibly the best escape mechanizm.

2. Lure in some Projectile attacksIcon=volley size=32 from enemies and duck under to dodge them.

3. In team fights stand in pretty much the center til' all the squishes  position themselves in back and tanks  and meleeJarvan up front, and as some of squishy  try to attack you  under the tanks  and go kill them with::    

4. When chasing, Like  they might poop on you as they go so you can't chase them, just simply pool under their poop and stay on them

5. When chasing with team Use its great movement bonus+slow. Possibly  into enemy  under them so your team with possible ccteric  can stop the enemy and you two can have your ways with the lone wolficon=warwick size=10.

To make you completely understand the  
It takes lot of experience but think of it as a surprise like  

Think of it as a Yu-Gi-Oh Trap card you slap your opponent with

EX:  Comes at you shooting her  you let her walk to you for a bit, than boom  under her  and chew up with your    

Pool is a Wild Pokemon and your opponent doesn't have a pokedex.

Skill  +  This has no down side, bad effects to it so I won't even bother explaning. But for all LoL game plays learn to click on your enemy as you fight them so you can check their hp and know how much your main skill such as  + do and calculate how much you need to win.
Ooh this one needs explanation.

1. At low lvls, use it only when necessary and just a little bit
2. At High lvls, abuse it always try to keep 4 stacks before going into find.
always keep one eye on your stacks.

EX: When  in enemy team dissapears from map I back off a bit and use  and if it flies out into air and you know for sure  is there, just harass her with it until she comes out saying "**** YOU!"

How to Fight against . . .

I was talking to this one fellow, who read my build and I had few lines of conversation with him over laning against Big Anti-Vlad Champions such as  with  

and to help others with same problem, instead of answering 50 same questions here I post.



First most requested one


You say you want to kill her, [EX: Expected[All]:Im going to eat you alive Annie]
Than in response you get, [EX: Annie[All]:Pedo]

So you just decide to do farmville lane mid, and this Annie who screamed "Pedo" seconds ago
Flashes  to you, summon big Ted  on your face and eat you alive.

Child molesting Adult isn't rape? I see a flaw in that law.

Anyways enough chichat here's the ways to conquer her

Made it big bold red for people who wanted to skip my terrible sense of humor.

 Annie is by far the most Anti-Vladimir  you'll ever see, reason why?  vs  is so glitchy its not even funny its like ultimate  when it first came out.

First of her  's  so bitchy toward Vlad's  that when you dodge her  Charged Q  with  She will still have her stun by the time you come up.

So pretty much you took more than enough of dmg by wasting 20% of your health and now she  still has stun to pretty much wreck you before you can do anything.

So, here's how to beat  

[Before any of these steps just carefully farm til 5~7,  will not stay quiet til you hit lvl 9 A.K.A. lvl 5  so you need to kill her before she decide to kill you]

Absolutely just avoid  and be happy trigger with  ONLY when she has her  charged

harass  HARD with  When she does not have  charged, you'll be able to trade spells and still heal the damege giving you the upper hand.

When  has around 1000 hp or LESS, after this long enduring fight.
she won't be playing a "Mice" yet with 1000hp so this  WILL waste her charged  So like always go in,  her and ACT like your backing out, waiting for  to be almost out of CD walk away slowly and  FLASH!


  -  AND CHASE HER DOWN WITH  and  her to death! Because she will still not have her Charged up if you do this quick enough! :D



Jungler such as   or
Ganker such as  

will wreck you if you get too comfortable with this pattern and
close your eyes to map awareness. [ALWAYS KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN]

IF you need help with any other "Specific" Champion ask me :D !
 was the most requested one so i put it up first

Summary + Vladimir Tips.

Let's be honest here, when I was lvl 1~30s looking around for guides
I would've loved to hear a tip from experienced player with good stats.

In this case, you are the lvl 1~30s and Im the experienced player about with good stats
about to give you what I think is the ultimate Tip for  .

Farming [ CS = Minion killed ]

: Although I didn't make a chapter explaning 'farming' like all other builds let me wrap this up in quick sentence. As a carry with a solo lane, your

If you can farm better than your opponent
[EX: You have 20 CS when opponent has 10 CS]

Don't even think about fighting unless your 100% sure on winning.
Just farm and open the gaps wide apart. When you have 100cs and opponent has 50cs

50cs= average 1000g or so. 1 kill = 300 g 1000/300 = 3[1/2]

You are already up by more then approx 3 kills. Good job to you.

Leveling Up

I'll go by lvls of transfusion
*Side note: TAKE MID AS  .

Lvl 1
Mostly don't even think about harassing your opponent with LONG CD  farm farm farm.

Lvl 3
This is when vlad is pretty hefty, 100+ dmg per hit with your  
against opponent harass a bit, but not enough to affect your farming.

lvl 5
Nothing much, same progression as lvl 3

Lvl 7 [With no Jungler killing wraiths]
Okay, start pushing hard using  and  . I mean hard. If you played right and safe
you should've only used 1~2 potions at max and opponent with almost no pots.
You have health advantage, watch you lane and push all your minions to turret
and Go kill wraiths. quick as possible, than come back to lane.

Linse and Repeat as much you can without putting yourself in disadvantage in terms of health.

Lvl 7 [With jungler]
You are going to be two face player.
One side is going to be when  is off the cd.
Other side is going to be when  is on cd.

Scare your opponent out of lane
[ If you can that is, you should be able to if you played right, unless of course, opponent is something like  or  with ]

and Don't use  when your zoning your opponents.

Starting lvl 7 your  can really hurt them.[But still hefty CD]
Just last hit minions to best of your ability and when they come near smack them with  and walk around a bit, if they come at you after taking  run back til' its off the cd and charge them again.

*During this process you have to be sure that you won't be ganked, so map awareness is needed

Lvl 9 [With or Without Jungler]

Your now officially what they call "OP  "
Just play it right keep your upper hand, and your jungler should be done jungling about now start takin wraiths even if you have jungler, unless he absolutely needs him
[ meaning ask first ]

Harass your opponent with  and kick them out of exp zone b.c. you can easily trade blows and still come out positive. If you and opponent lost about 50% hp each after trading blows, back off and  to 100% which will guarenty you a win next fight.

Don't be reckless or risk fighting all the way,
when you have wayyy better  power than them.

Aside from Vladimir Tips.

Spamming Tips From My Experience.

Get ready for this spam of great wisdoms ;)

Although it may be long, each and every paragraph has individual tips which I think deserves to be up on this post. So take your time, you don't have to read it all at once.

I can't stress how much Little Things better in LoL.

People walk out of fight with less than 10 hp,

people lvl up during fights throwing you off and making you lose.

So your goal in any kind of game including LoL is to keep your upper hand at all times,
no matter how bad situation or how good the situation it seems.

When Im fed Im always 3~5 lvls above the guy I soloed and their entire team.
When Im not fed Im still 1~3 lvls above the guy I soloed against or their entire team.

Feel happy as you deny one minion off your opponent sayin to yourself
"Now your screwed"

Feel happy as you get wraiths sneakly when they don't know about it, because they will just see their exp and be like "he must be just about the same"

Late game, 40~50 minute into game. DO NOT MOVE AROUND ALONE.
Your death will cause the end of the game.
Rather than moving alone, lead your team to ward  the entire jungle
and move around bushes and wait to ambush one of their teammates
if they ever seperate out of their group.

Ganking doesn't have to ensure a kill, If you did little dmg to opponent and denied few of their exp you've done a succesful gank, now get out because they're not gonna come back and say hey kill me, your stealing your carry's exp get in quick and get out quick.

Dragon is not worth 190G its worth 190x5=950G for your team not to mention the exp, 125Gvisionary ward is worth it, fight over that map awareness and when they're not expecting it eat it.

Late game when your opponents are at bottom, or eating dragon, don't go there, just eat barone and laugh at their face.


Part of christian belief, 

Look at youreslf before judging others.
If you have no sin throw the stones.

Even if you got 11 kill 2deaths and your team lost,
see what you could've done better.
There's always a room for improvement,


All I can say is Suck it up b.c. sht happens. especially in LoL.

EX: One time I had more kill than entire opponent's team. Score was 43-37
and I had 38 kills. But, somehow we lost because we could not cooperate enough to
seperate and defend our base. Also when I was jumped 5v1, I managed to kill 2~3 but we would still lose the team fight after I die, [ They had FOUR IGNITES ] 

Honestly in Online gaming its always better to blame yourself,

it get rid of your aweful feeling toward the game for matching you up with shtty teammate
or people that you don't even know about.
It just Improves your skill as a player, learning ways to handle difficult situations.


I can go on and on about this but I'll end it about here.

If any of you want to talk to me feel free to do so.

Im always open for a conversation or even 1vs1 match or Group up Match making ;)

Im always looking for good frienship, and why not :D

Good luck to you all and Have fun.


Show and Tell!

Results of this Build + Comment.

Please feel free to comment on flaws of this build or greatness of it
or post the pictures of it and I'll move it to here below :D !

Thank you AFKwithyoursister for your post.
My recent game, and one of the most beloved one, everyone else almost single digit lvl,
and carries around lvl 11~13 and by self lvl 17 Vladimir with 22kills. Legit, won the game before they could surrender.

Comments (page 1 of 11)

Quote | PM | +Rep
by Expected » May 29, 2011 6:15pm | Report
Why vote down for no reason? Please comment and tell me what's wrong.

My Vladimir build Check it out and tell me how well it works

Click the Picture Below <3

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Trophycase » May 29, 2011 6:57pm | Report
One of the blaring issues I see is leveling up Tides of Blood last

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Trophycase » May 29, 2011 7:01pm | Report
I mean the tips were pretty good and stuff. I suggest you break up the wall of text a bit with a few icons and pictures. I have a few examples in my guide. But just generally add in some icons when referring to abilities, items, or champions, it really helps the reader get through.

Check out my Swain, Taric, and Ashe guides!
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Nighthawk » May 29, 2011 7:02pm | Report
Tides of Blood really aren't that good on Vlad unless you're going for massive heals, and since Revolver no longer stacks, that's kind of useless now.

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Expected » May 29, 2011 7:08pm | Report
Trophycase wrote:

One of the blaring issues I see is leveling up Tides of Blood last

First of all, thank you for the, thoughtful comment

However, I do not dislike 30+ atk point every tides give me for

at lvl 5 its 150+ and 4 stack its equal to having extra 300 dmg. just by lvling up 4 lvls.

However, many times playing vlad, you often realize the value of 2 seconds.

Every lvl up in  gives 2 second reduction on CD.

You might not get some kills you would've gotten with higher lvl tides of blood however,

You in turn doesn't die either giving you more time to farm and etc.

Vlad if he survives fight with 10 hp can quickly regen all that.

That's why I believe pool is more effective

and ty. for the tips on guide. Yea I kinda rushed through it but I'll develope more firmly into it.

My Vladimir build Check it out and tell me how well it works

Click the Picture Below <3

+Rep me If I have been nice, or helpful to you ;)

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Trophycase » May 29, 2011 7:14pm | Report
Yeah that is true, I do think sanguine pool being up more often would be nice, but then again, so is the damage from Tides and the regen bonuses, but i guess since the revolver nerf, it might be more worthwhile to level them up evenly or pool first. I just don't know how often you are going to get 2 pools off in a teamfight regardless of if the cd is 13 seconds or not, I feel like you would be killed at that point. I don't know though, just my thoughts.

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Vanezriax » May 29, 2011 7:46pm | Report
someone needs to buff he's tides of bloods

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Expected » May 29, 2011 10:27pm | Report
Trophycase wrote:

I mean the tips were pretty good and stuff. I suggest you break up the wall of text a bit with a few icons and pictures. I have a few examples in my guide. But just generally add in some icons when referring to abilities, items, or champions, it really helps the reader get through.

I have shorten up the tips, and erased few that I didn't feel were needed for this build

I have added... many many pictures and if there's anything more wrong with it please tell me tyvm <3

My Vladimir build Check it out and tell me how well it works

Click the Picture Below <3

+Rep me If I have been nice, or helpful to you ;)

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Crazy Smurf » May 29, 2011 11:10pm | Report
Take into consideration that going:
Max Q
Focus on R on 6-11-16
And go W-E-W-E-W-E each level is a fantastic idea. It's not about just 30 damage, it then increases to a damn more. Leaving them on rank 1 is leaving a 40% of Vlad potential.

Call me Nejiji, AP Carry all the day.
New Vlad Guide: 75% || Brand Guide: Starting
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Adonikam » May 29, 2011 11:13pm | Report

I agree with everything here (except maybe get FoN instead of QSS, as Ignites don't stop spell vamp). Maxing your escape spell is a tactic used by all good Vlad players. This is 100% getting my +1 and Recommendation.

EDIT: I think Ionian boots should be core, Vlad needs CDR hardcore. Try it out

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