Saturday, September 17, 2011


Udyr im no cheater, i jungle fast! [Updated 2k11/09/08]

137 Votes
League of Legends Build Guides
By: Danilosan on 2011-01-16 :: Viewed 356590 times


LoL Champion: Udyr (Cheat Sheet)

League of Legends Udyr Spell Smite 
League of Legends Udyr Spell Ghost
Health Per 5 Sec21
Mana Per 5 Sec8
Magic Resist80
Attack Damage246
Crit Chance30%
Crit Damage0%
Attack Range125
Movement Speed432
Ability Power30
Attack Speed72%
Life Steal18%
Armor Penetration34.94
Magic Penetration0
Cooldown Reduction15.0%
Gold Per 10 Sec0
Reduced Death Time0%
LoL Rune Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Mark of Desolation
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Alacrity
Greater Seal of Alacrity
LoL Rune Greater Glyph of Alacrity
Greater Glyph of Alacrity
LoL Rune Greater Quintessence of Fortitude
Greater Quint of Fortitude

Ability Sequence

league of legends ability Monkey's AgilityMonkey's Agility
league of legends ability Tiger StanceTiger StanceUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol ability
league of legends ability Turtle StanceTurtle StanceUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol ability
league of legends ability Bear StanceBear StanceUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol ability
league of legends ability Phoenix StancePhoenix StanceUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol abilityUdyr lol ability

Purchase Order

Wriggle's Lantern
Boots of Mobility
The Brutalizer
Trinity Force
Banshee's Veil
Youmuu's Ghostblade
The Black Cleaver

Mastery Trees

Archmage's Savvy
Burning Embers
Archaic Knowledge
Offensive Mastery
Improved Rally

Offense: 22

Mender's Faith
Strength of Spirit
Defensive Mastery
Harden Skin
Veteran's Scars

Defense: 0

Spatial Accuracy
Good Hands
Expanded Mind
Utility Mastery
Blink of an Eye
Mystical Vision
Presence of the Master

Utility: 8

Udyr im no cheater, i jungle fast! [Updated 2k11/09/08]

By: Danilosan


Hi League mates. I'm an experienced league of legends player with roughly 1500 wins and a lot of them with dear udyr. In many of my ranked games i have been asked, "what skill prio, and masteries, and runes you go with Udyr. So id'e figured i post my "gameplay and play style" with him here on beloved mobafire, and hopefully this will help ya'll "carrie" and get plenty of nice victories.

This udyr jungle build is based on being the carrie of the team, killing everything you see, ganking constantly and warding keeping the map control at top rate. Now this is only a guide and as any other "melee phys" champ it will not make you the best player out there, it will however give you a clue of how to play Udyr right and really well. Udyr is one of the amazing champs people (usually never happens to Udyr) but in every case i play him (and i now i usually play him ranked) gets to be called OP. OP OP OP OP. No! he is not, but a very great player playing him right.. well ye then he might be considerd op. I'm sure if you will follow this guide correct, he will be noticed and unfortunately will get to be nerfed. Btw the pics below are wins on ranked games with Udyr, (ctrl scroll to make the pic bigger if u cannot see the hot stats clearly). 

Udyrs abilities.


Monkey's Agility

A great passive for a great champion. It is really good for jungling and vs melee champs, spam your abilities to proc this as much as possible. Be aware of your mana tho!


Tiger Stance

His main Ability and your nuke spell. This is a great ability, some people like to stack sorcerer's boots because it deals initial magic damage. I however find it dealing enough damage to nuke down anything without magic pen, go armor pen for the auto attacks.

Turtle Stance

This is one of my favorite spells in the game, it's a great damage reduce for your jungling and for everything else, also used for gaining mana back fast and life. It can be used for tanking creeps when your farming lanes and your minions havent reached enemy minions yet. It is awsome for tower diving (i do not recommend doing it alot) And ofc, it is very useful against champions like Karthus and his ability  .


Bear Stance

This is your ace in the sleeve, you use it to stun, to outrun enemies, to look like a bear. And you can stun all the time, its 6 seconds activate cooldown is good for and against one champion, however it refreshes whenever you do it at someone else. So if you turn out to be good at focusing you can basicly have a team stunned, or at least break every last of their chain abilities like Nunus absolute zero  


Phoenix Stance

It is good to jungle as phoenix stance, But not as good as tiger once you mastered tiger stance Udyr. It is a bit more safe tho, and has a pretty nice aoe. I only use it for the activate on it, wich will give you more Attack damage and Ability power, then i switch back (and do it fast) to tiger, that way, you will end up with higher attack speed and attack damage auto attack with a great initial dot(damage over time) damage.

Summoner spells.

So the summoner spells i go with is smite and ghost because it's simply the better choice for a jungler, It's quite basic. And this is my opinion on how i feel for the other summoner spells.

Summoner Spells you should use.

 - Exhaust. Not needed for Udyr, since he can beat any Trynda or any melee and exhaust is the very nerfed, really don't need it. It might be good sometimes. If you maby want to replace Smite for, lets say laning.

 - Ghost. The spell i love most, Not because he is in very need of it but because it stacks with bear form, you cannot get caught nor can anyone escape, and its easier to gank and mobility for extreem jungling.

 - Smite. Th.x to this spell, u can solo dragon at the *ding* of 6, or even at lvl 5. And it makes Udyr the fastest jungler in game. Not so much needed end game, but it gives u a real boost to end game.

Summoner spells you should not use However could be helpful.

 - Ignite. U just don't need the extra damage, not even the reduce healing for Mundo. item "Ex'calling" (y)

 - Heal. U will not need heal, since udyr has all the "surv" he needs with turtle and mobility.

 - Teleport. Works if you already have a jungler, for lane control and creep kills *farm farm Sivir style* But, don't use it.

 - Cleanse. Was really good when exhaust was blind effect, And still is good if they have a Teemo in ranked pic. Cleanses blind. Good choice sometimes.

 - flash. Flash is good on some champs. Not on Udyr, melee chaser = ghost = win

Summoner spells you absolutely do not need.. ever

 - Fortify. Not your job to have.

 - Clarity. Udyr is "mana alkoholic" But, not that so that u would want to go clarity.

 - Rally. You wont find rally very useful since it sucks..

 - Clairvoyance. Might be a good choice for those afraid of getting ganked, or want to plan your ganks, But rather skip it. (it's the suports job to have).

 - Revive. Works for eve when jungeling but not for Udyr so well..


 Vampiric scepter or cloth armor and 5 pots.

 Regular boots

 wriggle's Lantern

 mobility boots or berserkers greaves






 Banshees. (start with hp crystal)

And depending on team, either black cleaver. Or bloodthirster. I usually never get to buy this item. If they have a carrie like Trynda you might consider going radius omen, for the armor and atk speed slow, and a thorns mail on that. You will still deal loads of damage and will be able to carry through.

As soon as u got wriggle's lantern, your jungle with tiger will go so incredible fast its not even fun. I hope this item description helped, how to build them in order.

Core items


Optional items if they have heavy AP team


Optional item set 2 If they have a heavy tank setup

 (Instead of Wriggles)

 (It's a must, to good to drop)

(since tanks do not usually deal heavy nuke damage, some hp on a nuker like udyr will do fine for surv, the more hp you have the less damage tanks deal on you, the better chance for you to finish them of without having to die)

 (more life steal is always great since you loose it from by having to drop wriggle's)

The complete build That i use When its done.


It has always worked for me really smooth, and often i don't get to the point where i get my black cleaver, neither where i have to replace my Wriggles lantern.


I've played Udyr a lot now, and yes, i've tried every possible guide, and my own mix, before i came across my own. I know indeed his passive is amazing with dodge runes  , and CD reduction  is also amazing since he is basicly made to spam stance to stun stun stun bite* rawr. However, he does not need dodge runes, since his passive is well enough, and yes it is trust me, and he does not need CD reduction, since u will have golem all the time, and even that is a big "overdo" of how much he is able to spam stances without going out of mana. So don't go those runes, i go Ats Glyphs  And seals  , and Armp marks  , and HP (flat) quints  (Or now after patch, since its highly recommended for someone to pull golem for u i might even go with Armpen quints  ). Now why do i do that. Yes i know that the initial damage with Udyr in tiger stance is Magic damage and for that u might wanna try  and instead of armor pen marks  (i've tried, but i find armor pen dealing more damage as an auto attacker) , because it is really really amazing with the tiger stance  , which will be your main stance in this build. That and bear form, depending on the team. YES depending on the team, Karthus in opposite team, u might consider going only one in beer form and focus tiger/and turtle. However in usual cases i prio tiger, bear and last turtle, guess what. U DO NOT EVEN NEED phoenix stance  . Only to shape to, to directly shape back to tiger, so that u gain the passive more attack damage and then stay tiger. ( but that only when u cannot max tiger, bear or turtle).

Atm, I am using  x9  x9  x9 and  x3 And that would be what i recommend you using.


As for masteries i go 22/0/8. (I know it says 21/0/9 now, i simply use them both depending on how i feel like playing, this is the other good alternative) People ask me why i don't use  ? Because you will always have the golem buff, by taking their golem. And if you don't succeed taking it, well no problem at all. You just simply don't need to have the buffs on all the time. The main concern of your jungling is to get lots of gold. Junglers like Amumu that have an ulti that requires the mana buff sustained all the time will have better use of that talent spec. And champions like Swain need that spec sometimes to have the full effect of the mana regen from the golem buff. As for Udyr, yes he needs his mana to keep spamming his abilities, but i promise you, if you use your spells good and not recklessly you will have mana to continue farming after a gank and a team fight.
I like to go 22/0/8 due to the extra attackspeed and armor pen boost and a little ad, makes the kill go smooth.

How to jungle and always be highest lvl.

how is that possible, being higher level than the mid laner ? in only jungelng ? Yes my friend, that's why u need ghost  , and improved ghost and the exp from awareness. You see, you start of with golem, with "Vampscepter" or cloth armor and 5 pots, and "tigerstance", hurry up to the mini wolf camp, as soon as you made the last hit on the last wolf, you Teleport back to base, get 2 pots (one mana and one hp) Rush with ghost to lizard, by that time, smite is exactly done, do the lizard. now your lvl 3 soon 4, with tiger, turtle and beer, (observe when u nuked lizard, use turtle on the 2 adds, and pot mana and hp pot at same time, so u can regenerate and get ready for a gank"). Go gank, if u succeed, very well, stay in lane for a few creeps, or for next golem, spawn, don't waste time doing nothing, always, gank if not succeed, stay in lane a little while to gain the extra exp (always remember a good gank is making the enemy use flash and/or ghost), go creep(jungle), for now u should be able to creep(jungle) whatever/whenever u feel for it, basicly creeping, and to make it better and easier buy the (for Udyr only) OP item, Wriggl'es lantern, it will take seconds to jungle, and use smite clever. Take dragon by lvl 6, and only if u got the lantern. Ward clever before doing it. And ofc, on your second, 3rd (or whatever) turn back, get mobility boots, the 5+ speed, will make it easy for u to gank, notice, when u gank, stay in bush and pop both beers stance and ghost to catch him in stun, NO ONE will escape, and th.x to at least one point on turtle, its possible to tower dive. Get back to jungle, or ganking, and remember, in team fights you will take out the squishies in a matter of a few seconds, or even second. You will crush tanks, and everything AS LONG as they do not focus you. Gotta play him a little like a smooth Assassin  , so u need great micro. mobility kiteng. That's why we love bear form.

AS FOR THE NEWER slightly annoying patch, where they nerfed Wriggle's and boosted jungle mobs,U can take another jungle route, (the one i'm doing in my videos) You simply start of by golem, having someone to pull it for you, rush to wolf, with full hp, after poting once, rush to ghost camp (or wrath or whatever you'de like to call em), pot, and gank ( or take lizard if there are no good positioning Then gank).
I will explain this section more careful in the Chapter below!

Both jungle routes will work fine, Udyr is a great jungler, ImHo the best in the game. 

Jungling (new patch notes)

Since they buffed jungle making creeps stronger, i strongly suggest u have a partner sololaning help u pull the mobs (pref a Shen) then run away, while u kill golem (aka "leashing.) If u pull it off perfect, u should be at full hp when arriving at Wolf camp. After that i usually go either to ghost camp then lizard then gank, Or if they have another jungler, straight after your golem, rush to the enemy teams lizard, kill their jungler whenever he starts on it (Be patient, it always works) and continuing on their side of the lizard jungle. it's hard work to fully master Udyrs jungling, and sadly enough you need a high set of runes to make it work smooth. Atm i go with Armpen marks, atkspeed seals glyphs, and Armpen quints. And i still seem to carrie games with Udyr as a jungler. I'll update further as soon as i have something new to add. Piz.

Counter jungle and different Junglers.

There are many good junglers out there, and great ones that can easily counter you while you jungle, mostly by warding, or just by common abilities like shacos jack in the box, deceive, tryndas spin smite. I'll take some time to explain some of the junglers, how they are good against you as a counter jungler.

One of my favorite champs, He easily counters anyone that jungles, th.x to his  and  . The way i play shaco is stack 5ish Jitb at golem, take it, and directly after that stack them at enemy lizards bush (haha bush.. oh no i didn't) that way, you will kill the enemy jungler at around 3.20 min, Which is a bitch for you if that happens.

If that happens tho you can still win the counter jungle by warding shacos jungle, and take different paths. For example, he might do it again. Get a few wards, ward his jungle and when he is at his golem, take his lizard, and go to your golem and finish it. that way, he will find no lizard at his jungle, and once he finds out your golem is taken, well.. you won the jungle counter. And that goes on in an evil circle. In an 1v1 fight, you will win vs shaco, if u can keep track of whom is the real shaco and.. Even if not. Now he might start warding your jungle and his jungle, if he does that, simply just jungle the wolfs, and the wraths, and here's the best part, focus ganking instead. You still won the jungle, by leaving a little of the jungle, but geting more kills, assisting your team making him way to focused at his jungle, he wont have the items to gank, or time. Gz, you won.

Some say he is the best jungler in the game, and well, he is a really great one, and really fast. To your advantage try to use your lantern in his side of jungle instead of puting them down at enemy gank spots for your lanes, simply tell them to be passive and careful ( which they need to be for you to be able to gank a lot better anywayz) He will most certainly go for the item  and wont have the free ward, if he gets the lantern however, just buy vision wards the way i do it in my video and slay his wards. A Warwick almost always goes with flash, to do his flash and ult combo, some go with ghost and smite. If he has flash you can easily outrun him and kill him, if he goes with ghost however, he will kite you, using his drain and that might be tough to beat, once he feels like he can ult you, his E spell  will be able to chase you down with ghost. And even more scarier is an AP warwick, a mage wick, those are crazy vs udyr sometimes. If you ever see one in high elo, go counter build, like  and get an early banshees. Else, just do about the same as for shaco, ward and be extra focused on the "map awareness"

The same goes for all other junglers, you will outspeed most of them in the jungle.

One really scary jungler is Nocturne. He is also very deadly due to his W spell  . It removes the initial damage on tiger, it blocks bear form stun, he out runs you due to his fear  and Q spell  If he ever gets picked in ranked as probably a jungler be careful He is most deadly. You can still do well in jungle and later on if he seems to want to gank you all the time in jungle, you should focus getting some armor anti melee items, like  and  and i like to go  

I hope this gave you a clue on what counter jungling is about. (I will put on more junglers that might counter you and that you can counter eventually).

Pros and cons

Udyr pro/cons.

- Great burst damage dealer, both early and end game.
- Best jungler in game if u do it right.
- Mobility that makes even Rammus ghost flash roll poop and pee his pants off.
- Not so very squishy
- potential tanker
- great ganker
- a very fun champion
- crushes turrets with tiger stance in seconds.

- stunners might give u hell, but ye.. banshees.
- hard to master, to play him very very well.
- has no range at all with his abilities.
- has no ulti which make it less important "to keep track of",However it can also be a good thing
- only 3 abilities (stances) which can make it feel onesided, auto attack chase
- has a terrible dance compared to the lady champs ;D

End it please..

At the end game you have probably carried the team, pushed, taken all the jungle all the time, got Barron, warded the map like hell (AND i cannot stress it enough by telling you that you should ward with  , trust me it's worth warding, all the time) and have lots of kills, assists and hopefully no deaths.
You will have no problem at all both tanking, crushing tanks, squishys, nukers, assasins, nothing can run away from you, and u can run away from their whole team. You might consider getting elixers every now and then when you're missing some part of an item, but yet to far away in gold amount to afford it. Elixers are great. It should be a secure win.

Here are some examples btw for great 3v3 setups and Udyr partners, UDYR, SHEN, RAMMUS, is my main 3v3 team, altho it seems a little low on the range, it's an amazing setup that will crush most ppl all the way to high rating, Udyr works fine with a rolling flashing Rammus, and dual taunt, + Udyr stun. Another great setup for those who play even higher rating, and still want to play udyr, u Should absolutely have an ANVIVIA with you and/or Malphite One Great combo me and my friends figured out, that absolutely beats almost everything is a combo of Attack speed Cho'gath (wierd yes i know, it works tho) Mage warwick (with bloodrazor, still heavy on AP) and Tiger Udyr). As for 5v5, any good setup will do, as your the jungler, only a suport, one tank, one ranged carrie, and one ap carrie will do fine.
A great combo example is     and  .

I Really hope You all Enjoyed this short guide, and i hope it helped for all udyr fans, and the new udyr players. If you have any questions at all about Udyr dont hasitate to post your question here at my forum wall. GL and HF Oh and thank you very much Tippari for helping me correct some failures on my guide. Piz 

Comments (page 1 of 13)

Quote | PM | +Rep
by ezaX » January 26, 2011 5:53pm | Report
omg this was just what i needed!
i was jungleing with turtle cloth armor and 5health pots and the hole time i was like WTF jugle is suppose to be faster than laneing. to the end game i switch to diffrent iteams then it is posted here because thay where all tanks and i thought BR would e more efective then a ghost blade
but still thx for the guide
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Danilosan » January 27, 2011 11:44pm | Report
Np bro, im glad u liked it.
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by militar3rd » January 30, 2011 1:47pm | Report
This has been really helpful.

Udyr is the basically the only champion I play and I am very pleased that you have found a very effective way on utilizing his Jungling capability by emphasizing on ganking more often.

Since you posted this build, I have been ganking people left and right and always end up carrying the team until late game.

Late game gets a bit difficult because the opposing team is going to tend to focus on you more because of what you have done during the Early-Mid Game. So I end up building a real Tanky Udyr. Still Effective.

Thanks Bro.
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by rtA » January 31, 2011 12:04pm | Report
+1 ! VERY NICE BUILD! Went a 26/6/15 score.. :)
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Danilosan » February 1, 2011 9:49am | Report
very nice rtA, well done. And yeah he gets really focused at the end game hehe, im glad u all like the guide, i will update it if any drastic changes occours in the future patches. =)
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Ragamuffin » February 3, 2011 9:31pm | Report
I have a question, i will start playing UIdys and im buying all the runes so i can jungle with him, there u post that the Quints of Fortitude gives u 32,4 hp,but now they give u just 26, so my question is, are they still necesary or i can just buy atk speed Quints instead? that will give me 10% more atk sp.
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Danilosan » February 4, 2011 4:33am | Report
well 78 hp is still good to have for the early face, however, i would change to either ats, OR arm pen. with armor pen, udyr will be even more dangeouruse with his tiger, so will he with atsp, your jungle face will still work, either way. i would go for the ats quints. to be able to lane bettre using turtle. also with more ats u jungle like crazy when u have your wriggles. Go for the 10% more ats. I'll get back to you as soon as ive played and mixed some runes together in some ranked games.
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by Danilosan » February 4, 2011 5:34am | Report
So i tryed the new hp quints out, and gotta tell, everything stil works fine, even tho they got a bit nerft, u can go, hp quints, arm pen quints, or ats quints. everything will work fine, personally i love my hp quints, even tho they are nerft. udyr remains with amazing dps without the arm pen and ats quints. G L Ragamuffin, and hope it helped.
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Ragamuffin » February 4, 2011 4:51pm | Report
i think i will go for the atk s. , but i still need like half the runes. Also i see its very hard to master him, do u have any good tip? I read that u have to be always changing stances but its a mana suicide, even in mid game with golem, and thx for our reply it helps a lot :) (sry for the bad english XD)
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Hypervenom » February 5, 2011 5:09pm | Report
Iv searched through a few great guides but this is the 1 I find most suites my playstyle, and I completly agree that tiger stance is a very underated ability, its got great burst damage!


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