Monday, September 05, 2011

wukong tanky DPS

WuKong DPS / Tanky DPS

11 Votes
League of Legends Build Guides
By: eberfleck on 2011-07-29 :: Viewed 5154 times
Tags: dpseberflecktanktanky 
Team 1
league of legends champion Wukongleague of legends champion Wukongleague of legends champion Wukong

LoL Champion: Wukong

Health Per 5 Sec16
Mana Per 5 Sec18
Magic Resist90.5
Attack Damage321
Crit Chance40%
Crit Damage50%
Attack Range175
Movement Speed432
Ability Power30
Attack Speed62%
Life Steal15%
Armor Penetration24.93
Magic Penetration0
Cooldown Reduction5.9%
Gold Per 10 Sec0
Reduced Death Time0%
LoL Rune Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Mark of Desolation
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Alacrity
Greater Seal of Alacrity
LoL Rune Greater Glyph of Focus
Greater Glyph of Focus
LoL Rune Greater Quintessence of Desolation
Greater Quint of Desolation

Ability Sequence

league of legends ability Stone SkinStone Skin
league of legends ability Crushing BlowCrushing BlowWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability
league of legends ability DecoyDecoyWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability
league of legends ability Nimbus StrikeNimbus StrikeWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability
league of legends ability CycloneCycloneWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability

Purchase Order

Doran's Blade
Berserker's Greaves
Trinity Force
The Bloodthirster
Infinity Edge
Last Whisper
Guardian Angel

Mastery Trees

Plentiful Bounty
Archmage's Savvy
Burning Embers
Archaic Knowledge
Offensive Mastery
Brute Force
Improved Rally

Offense: 18

Mender's Faith
Strength of Spirit
Defensive Mastery
Harden Skin
Veteran's Scars

Defense: 0

Spatial Accuracy
Good Hands
Expanded Mind
Utility Mastery
Blink of an Eye
Mystical Vision
Presence of the Master

Utility: 9

WuKong DPS / Tanky DPS

By: eberfleck


Hello Guys !

FIRST OF ALL : If u play as wukong and ur enemy team got about 3 AP champions, change the Guide ! Go for Magic Resistance !

Try it with : 

For Example : If Malzahar Ult's u just buy a Qucksilver Sharp and u wont die !
It will counter Malzahar's Ultimate and u can kill him / or run away .
I whould he really Happy if u vote on my guide. I wanna see how it is :] This gude is from eberfleck , tell me if u see me ingame how u think about it !
Well Have fun with reading my short wukong guide !
WuKong is a Melee DPS / Tanky DPS champion .
Wukong also known as the Monkey King is a main character in the classical Chinese epic novel, he was a monkey that was original made out of stone and attained powers through pratices in Taoism. After rebelling against the heavens he was imprisoned under a mountainer. And Later he accompanys a Monk to retrieve scrolls from india.


For i take Armor Penetration. It will give you a nice Damage Bonus at the Beginnging !

For i take Atack Speed. 7 % more Atack speed is ok, isnt it ? _________________________________________________________________________________________

For i take Cooldown Reduction, so u can pwn with ur Q , E and R skill even more !


1st Build Order : Full DPS 

For the masteries i take a 21/0/9 build !
Because u will take Flash and Exhaust u should skill [ Cripple ]
I play with flash, but u can change it to Ghost if you want. If you prefer it to play with ghost, then skill the [ Ghost ] skill at your Mastery tree .

2nd Build Order : Tanky DPS 
Well here i take the same masteries , cause u dont play a full tank buildU are tanky 
but you will still deal alot of dmg with that masterys.

3rd Build Order : Full Tanky

Well here i play with a tank mastery tree, because i play full tanky here. I dont know if you like it, but its ok i think !

Summoner Spells

Its a good Summoner Spell for a Supporter like : Janna , Alistar, Sona etc.But not good for WuKong.

wont need it , if you got huge mana problemswith Wukong just buy the Zeal / Mark Manaregg runes. I do this every time if i got manaproblems and ill have a summoner spell more !

can take it but i dont like it. It sometimes saves your Life but blink does that too doesnt it ?

Thats a nice spell for Wukong . [ If you stealth and Charge on youre enemy Nimbus Strike on him you can Exhaust him use youre Ultimate and he is dead [ Sometimes as good as dead ] But WuKong CANT slow ! if you dont have Exhaust u have to use Ghost !

Flash is a brilliant Summoner Spell, u will escape from ganks , u can blink THROUGH walls and u can blink into other ppl to kill them. Blink is the BEST summoner spell in my oppinion.

Its ok for defending towers, but its a waste it think , maybe your Tower will life about 10 secconds more then.

U can pick ghost instead of Flash , its ok too if u wanna chase the enemys. Its a good Summoner spell too. Its the only Summoner spell that u can change with Flash, or Exhaust.

Well i never pick ignite. I dont like it it doesnt deal that much dmg. I like exhaust more cauase the enemy wont deal dmg for a short time and he cant run away. But the -50 percent Heal is nice.

NoIts shit. U will deal 15 more dmg for 15 secconds and the Fire can the destroyed..
If i see my enemys taking that im happy :]

10 minutes cooldown ? Better dont take it too long CD.
Its not good, maybe ur tower will survive one time but u could die cause u dont have exhaust or Flash.

Take this if you jungle , but dont delete Flash for it. Smite is a must HAVE if you jungle, cause u dont have a selfheal. And flash is a MUST HAVE too , never delete it for smite or sth like that.

Its ok too u can take it if u solo-top laningU can hold ur solo top lane with it easily, cause u are rlly fast at ur tower again, so it wont die that hard. Yep its ok .


Here are some good Items for WuKong : 
: This is a really great item if the enemy got alot of AP chars. U will counter them easily then.
: If the enemy got a Karthusbuy this 1st ! He wont deal u dmg. I rlly know it cause i play karthus too. I lose hard vs carrys like ashe then.
Its a nice item for WuKong too if you get Focused or wanna slow enemys. If you auto atack u slow the enemys for 2,5 with 40 % ! nice nice.
: Gives u abit mana and a lot of Armor. Its good if u play tank and the enemys got AD chars like master yi.
This item wont get used alot. I dont know why , i mean its fucking awesome. Malzahar ults u and u just press this Shash and the stun is away ! Alot of magic ressistance too. =p
One of the best Tank items i think. But only if u got bout 3 AD chars at ur enemy team. If they focus u they die :D.
I totally love this fucking item. It slows , gives u burst dmg and things like that. Every game i play with WuKong i buy this.
: Give u crit and atack speed, but i dont pick it with wukong .
: Only buy this is you really pwn. U will deal imba dmg then ! if you see " OH MY ENEMYS ARE NOOB LOLOLAWL"
then u can buy it :D
Its an awesome item for WuKong . +100 dmg and lifesteal ! Ull burst the shit out of ur enemys.
: Rlly nice item , ur crits will deal alot of more dmg ! And +80 atack damage isnt wrong too =]

My WuKong attack Order

At earlygame i try to lasthitt all the creeps with rightclick and .

If my enemy wants to atack me i on him after that i and run away or kill him.

Midgame + Lategame :

Now you got all youre atacks. If you play tanky like me u have to open teamfights.

Make a of you, the mage of them and just right into them. They will ALL get dmg and they will ALL get stunned. If they are no big idiots they wont even focus you , if you got 4k HP.

WuKong Atacks :


Wukong gains bonus Armor and Bonus Magic Resistance for every enemy Nearby champion.



Wukong's next attack deals additional physical damage and reduces the enemy's Armor for a short duration!



Wukong becomes Stealthed for 1,5 secconds. An uncontrollable Decoy is left behind that will deal Magical Damage to nearby enemys.


Wukong dashed towards a target enemy and sends out 2 images to atack 2 nearby enemy champions. Each enemy will get Physical Damage.

C Y C L O N E - U L T I M A T E

Wukongs staff grows outward and he spins arround, dealing damage and knocking up enemy champions. Wukong gains speed over duration of this spell.


Farming with WuKong :

Now i can explain why i take the E skill 1st. If you have to lane vs Ranged chars, just play passive and lasthit with this skill. Just retreat and do this all the time. When you are lv 6 u can play agressive vs them. Go into the bush and stealth yourself out of it.Charge on the weaker one of them and ure your ultimate. Ur lanepartner and u should kill one of them. Later on u can lasthit more easily , just wait until the creep got low hp andlasthitit then. Lasthitting is fucking important dont forget to lasthit all the time and dont gank too often.. Ur team should have a jungler for that.

If you play vs 2 melees or 1 melee and 1 range :
Well if you play vs that it whould be alot more easy to last hit at the beginning. Just try to get as much lasthits as possible dont harass if you whould lose a lot of HP.Harass them if they risk is too hard and retreat again..

Pros / Cons

Pros for Wukong :

-WuKong is a really funny champion.
-He can easily escape from ganks with his Stealth.
-He really deals alot of dmg, and with ur Runes [ + 25 Armor Penetration ] hell crush through tanks too :]
-He pwns at 1v1 too , for example :
Hes a great Solo - Top champion i think. You can check bushes while stealthed and cross them too. He wont even know that ure there. If he pushed u too hard u just have to charge richt into him and deal as much damag as possible.
Cons for WuKong :
-He will get focused, at teamfights because he deals alot of dmg.
-No range spells [ if u wanna harass ur enemy u have to charge right into him ]
-He is a little bit weak at the beginning if you sololane [ But you will pwn if u got ur Ultimate cause the enemy runs away like every time if u use ur ult ]

Laning Partners

Here are some good laning partners :

: Irelia is good too. She got a nice liferegeneration and she can stun the enemys. Your Knock up and her Ultimate can be used good too.

: If you can lane with her just do it. She can heal you, she can use her traps for map control at youre lane and she deals a nice amount of damage !

: Ashe is a great laning Partner. She can slow the enemys, harass them and stun them with her ultimate. Her Hawkshoot is usefull too !

: Garen is nice ! He slows the enemys deals alot of damage and never dies x) Good to lane too.

: Kayle is nice to lane with. She can heal you , she can slow enemys and her ultimate is nice too. U wont die for a short time.

: Great harass, great cc and great dmg. If she doesnt miss her skillshot u will pwn with her.

: Jarvan can be a nice lane partner too, his ultimate will pwn with u.

: Really nice laning partner. He got a selfheal, he can slow, he wont die and hes op :D

: His fear annoys like hell and u can " gank enemys too ". He just stands at the bush and ults out after u charged into them :D

: Yorik is nice too lane with too. But only if your laning Yorik got some skill. He slows, he can heal hisself and he can make a copy of you that deals alot of dmgt too !

: He can stun and deals alot of dmg !

: Just tell him to grab one of them and he will probably die XD

: Leona can stun, slow and is tanky !

: Same things like with Morgana ! But she can Stun AND SLow ! :D

Team Work

For Example :

You are on Solo top with Wukong and ur allie plays a Jungling Nocturne.
Watch if hes warding, if not tell that ur Jungler.
Tell him ah chat : "Gankable" and things like that and if he cant gank tell him "ungankable" because he warded or things like that. If youre jungler is coming and he wants to gank ur enemy go into a bush , stealth go out charge on him and stun him with ur ultimate. After that u can exhaust him or whatever u want. If you wont do this, "Nocturne" will ultimate him u will charge on him but he escapes. Try to stun him or Exhaust him if youre mate is coming.
If you are near by a allie that needs help just go into the bush and stealth urself out of it . You can kill alot of people if you play like that !

Wukong's History :

DUrin the chaos of the Rune Wars, an enormous runestone was lost epp within the Plague Jungles. It remained there, untouched for centuries, emanating a potent magic which infused nearby wildlife with sentience and vitality. A group of monkeys, who were particularly sage became convinced that he could harness its power to make the monkeys immortall He performed an elaborate ritual, but things didnt go as he expected. The runestone was destroyed, and instead of granting immortality, it produced Kong, a monkey who carried in this heart the strength and power it had contained. Kong was driven by an unqenchable desire for greatness. He sought out every beart and monst the Plague Jungles could offer, eager to find a worthy opponent, but none offered the challenge he craved. He asked the sage for advice, and learned about a legend of hairless monkey to the north who, with wits and might, had bent the world to their will.

Wukong left, journeying north, determined to discover if the legend was true. He crossed the Southern Wastes and then the Great Barrier. On his way, he happened upon Master yi, who was deep in meditation. Kong asked him who the strongest warrior in the north was, and Yi told him about the League of Legends. The tale intoxicated Kong, a place where he could battle the strongest fighters in the world was, to him , paradise.
Kong asked Yi to introduce im to this League, and to teach im the ways of humans, so that he could be a fitting chamption. Inreturn, he whould honor Yi by using Yi's Wuju style to become the greatest warrior Runeterra had ever seen. Admiring his passion, Yi agreed but under the condition that Kong whould one day teach the lessons of Wuju to a pupil of this own. In the spirit of this agreement, he renamed Kong " WuKong," and game him a weapon suited to his unusual Nature - an enchanted staff that the Young Doran had crafted. The weapon was an unrivalled masterpiece. Guided by Yi, wukong joined the League of Legends to prove himself as the best, and to show the world the true Power of Wuju.

"Only in combat do you learn who you truly are"
- Wukong.

WuKong Match History

WuKong Champion Spotlight :

WuKong Emotes / Skins


At first Wukong seems like a very bursty champion which is true in a way but after playing games with Wukong I noticed that his other ability such as boosting your attack speed with nimbus strike and shredding 30% armor with his Q allow him to be great at taking out tanks that might be hard for your other carry's.

EARLY GAME: In all honesty, his early game is his worst, but it is still good, you just don't deal enough damage fast enough, this gets fixed later however, some my even go as far as saying you deal a little too much damage if there ever was such a thing.

MID GAME: This is where all your problems will be solved, not a bad idea now to grab red buff by level 8 or sooner assuming you don't have a jungler, for this makes jumping in much, much easier.

LATE GAME: Ah, late game, when you finish getting all your items togetherthe burst damage you throw out is beyond godlike, your enemies will want to surrender, but they have two people on their team who thinks they can still win... Those two are wrong.

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