Thursday, October 06, 2011



94 Votes
By: Incendiax on 2011-07-09 :: Viewed 120596 times

Team 1
league of legends champion Vladimirleague of legends champion Vladimirleague of legends champion Vladimir

LoL Champion: Vladimir

League of Legends Vladimir Spell Ignite 
League of Legends Vladimir Spell Teleport
Health Per 5 Sec61
Mana Per 5 Sec0
Magic Resist87
Attack Damage99
Crit Chance0%
Crit Damage0%
Attack Range450
Movement Speed310
Ability Power483.76
Attack Speed0%
Life Steal0%
Armor Penetration0
Magic Penetration28.55
Cooldown Reduction0.0%
Gold Per 10 Sec0
Reduced Death Time0%
LoL Rune Greater Mark of Insight
Greater Mark of Insight
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Resilience
Greater Seal of Resilience
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Fortitude
Greater Seal of Fortitude
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Evasion
Greater Seal of Evasion
LoL Rune Greater Glyph of Potency
Greater Glyph of Potency
LoL Rune Greater Quintessence of Potency
Greater Quint of Potency

Ability Sequence

league of legends ability Crimson PactCrimson Pact
league of legends ability TransfusionTransfusionVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability
league of legends ability Sanguine PoolSanguine PoolVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability
league of legends ability Tides of BloodTides of BloodVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability
league of legends ability HemoplagueHemoplagueVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol abilityVladimir lol ability

Purchase Order

Amplifying Tome
Health Potion
Hextech Revolver
Will of the Ancients
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Needlessly Large Rod
Rabadon's Deathcap
Giant's Belt
Blasting Wand
Warmog's Armor
Giant's Belt
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Chain Vest
Zhonya's Hourglass
Void Staff
Abyssal Scepter
Elixir of Brilliance
Elixir of Fortitude

Mastery Trees

For all of you who can't properly think out things due to your single-minded thought process and belief that this is a "OFFTANK 8K HP METAGAME", please close the guide. This is not one of those generic builds. Your negative feedback is not appreciated if you aren't even willing to try the guide.

Carrying on,
We start with
>13 armor, making us extra-tanky and sustainable for that early game.
>9 Magic Penetration, giving us a bit of an extra punch to their magic resistance.
>24 Ability Power, Increasing our damage output, spellvamp on our Q, and our overall health.


For my masteries, I take a 9-0-21 setup. Utilizing the generic 9 points in Offense for the extra 15% magic penetration. In the Utility tree, I take everything I can that doesn't predominantly affect my mana (due to being manaless). Meaning, I skip out on the Meditation and Expanded Mind masteries, instead taking double points in my Perseverance and Good Hands.
Greed is relatively useless, but it's always nice to have the extra 6 gold per minute. If you really feel like you need it, you can also take one point in  Resistance or  Hardiness to make you a smidgen beefier, but you do lose out on the 15% reduced cooldowns from the final spell in the Utility tree,  Presence of the Master.

Why 9/0/21?
By taking 9/0/21, you get:


  • 10% Reduced time dead, meaning you'll probably save roughly 90~140seconds of downtime per game.
  • 5% Increased EXP, which keeps you on-par with other casters in mid, in opposition to being Level 5 while they're 6, it makes you very disadvantaged.
  • 30% Increased Buff Duration. Woopie! If Vladimir has blue, it's GG. Extended blue? Why not.
  • 3% Movement Speed increase is essential to Vladimir, as he is naturally slow.
  • 6% Cooldowns? More Transfusions, more damage.
  • 15% Reduced Summoner Spell cooldown! More ignites, more teleports! More splitpushing!

Taking 9-21-0 masteries:


  • +6 Armor/MR From spawn.
  • 2% Dodge, which stacks with your Seals (+)
  • 2 Reduced physical damage taken.
  • 48 more Health.
  • 4% more Ability Power! (4 per 100... Woo, game changing!)
  • 4% Reduced Damage... Cool. Someone hits me for 500? I only take 480.
I personally view the Utlity masteries far more beneficial for Vladimir, in opposition to barely noticable Health, Armor, Ability Power, & Survivability boost: you get movement speed, cooldowns, and reduced time dead!

I suppose it's just preference, but I've seen more success with the 9-0-21.
Take what you want, but I can't guarantee high scores with the 9-21-0.


Passive:  Crimson PactEvery 40 points of bonus health gives Vladimir 1 ability power and every 1 point of ability power gives Vladimir 1.8 bonus health (does not stack with itself). 
This essentially IS Vladimir. It's what makes him excel at simultaneously being a mage, and a tank. Maximizing this passive is a must, so building HP is very viable.

Q:  TransfusionVladimir drains the lifeforce of his target, dealing magic damage and healing himself. (600 Range)
This is your main skill, and how you use it determines if you are good, or bad, with Vladimir.
Transfusion received a recent nerf, which affected the damage late-game, and hurt his late game with a Cooldown nerf.

W:  Sanguine PoolVladimir sinks into a pool of blood for 2 seconds, becoming untargetable and slowing enemies above him by 40% for 1 second, and deals magic damage over the duration plus heals himself for 12.5% of that amount. (~350 radius) 
This is your main escape, initiation, and deflection spell. The more health you have, the more damage it does. Be careful when using this spell, because it does cost 20% of your current health to cast. Much like your Transfusion, this spell separates the good Vladimir players, from the terrible ones.

E:  Tides of BloodVladimir unleashes a torrent of blood dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.
Each cast gives him an Empowered stack (max 4), increasing his healing and regeneration by 8% per stack for 10 seconds. Additionally, his next tides of Blood deals 25% more damage and costs 50% more health per stack. 

This is a great damage spell that increases the regeneration effects on your Transfusion. A Q at four stacks of Tides of Blood will restore the health lost, but also return more. However, be careful when using this spell. You can open yourself up to attacks with it if you use it at the wrong time. This spell also hits stealthed targets, and hits people over the Fog of War. Well timed casts of this can result in a kill.

R:  HemoplagueVladimir infects the target area with a virulent plague which increases the damage nearby enemies take from all sources by 14% for 5 seconds. After these 5 seconds, infected enemies take magic damage. 
Hemoplague is what makes Vladimir such a viable team fighter. Well placed Hemoplague's can hit all 5 targets, which gives EVERYONE on your team increased damage by 14% on all of their spells and attacks. This spell is extremely game-changing if used properly.

Spell Penetration vs Cooldown Reduction

For this explanation, we will use a Banshee's Veil for said MR, due to it being a common counter-purchase.

Language & Terminology:
CDR= Cooldown Reduction
MP= Magic Penetration
MR= Magic Resistance

"While sorcerer's shoes are amazing earlygame since you reduce most enemy champion's Magic Resistance to zero with Runes, Masteries + Boots, it falls off once they buy a Banshees Veil, or any magic resistance item, which is too common. They now have 85 MR, but you're only piercing 35 of it. The question is, are you going to buy two more items to counter their ONE? If you have even an IQ of 50, you'll realize the answer is: no.

Now consider it with Cooldown Reduction (Lucidity). Assuming you buy a Void Staff with these boots in this scenario. You start off the game with your same old 15 Magic Penetration, and they still have 35 MR. You do slightly reduced damage early on before they grab any Magic Resistance. 17% to be exact, but the 15% CDR lets you skillspam at a rate of comparable damage output. Now they buy their  Banshee's Veil, and you buy your Void Staff. 85-15=70. 49% of 70 is 34. So you're mitigating 15+34= 49 of their Magic Resist, while with  Sorcerer's Shoes you were only mitigating 35.

Now let's compare both Boots having a void staff. Sorcerer's Shoes is 35 MP off the top, adding in the 15% MP mastery, totaling to 50. Cut down to 26 MR left on the enemy. Lucidity is the same 36 MR left, due to the lack of MP boots. The difference equals out to 10 MR.

Let's do some math.
100 / (100+26) = 79% of Tooltip damage with  Sorcerer's Shoes
100 / (100+36) = 73% of Tooltip damage with  Ionian Boots of Lucidity

In terms of damage lost off Tooltip, it's a measly 6% difference, in terms of damage lost off of Sorcerer's Shoes damage, it's 7%. You're making that damage back and dishing out more with the 15% CDR. Not to mention the higher their MR, the less effect your  Sorcerer's Shoes will have on your damage ouput. If they've got 200 MR the damage difference is something like 1%. Making  Ionian Boots of Lucidity a much, much more viable option. Especially post-nerf."

Your Transfusion (Q) is a 4s cooldown at level 9, with no CDR. Assuming you take the 9-0-21 masteries as I specified in this guide, the cooldown on your Q gets bumped down to 3.64 seconds. With the CDR boots, this is bumped down further to a flat 3s cooldown. The difference may seem minimal, but it's extremely useful when you break it down to the core mechanics and you write out the math. I estimate you get somewhere around 5~10 more Q casts per minute in with the CDR boots in comparison to the MP boots. This equates to somewhere around 1,000~3,000 DPS more. 

Furthermore, if you do recall, % penetration applies before Flat. This is what most of the argument is based off of. Additionally, utilizing all of your skills properly in the smallest time constraint is a key component of maximizing the benefits of the boots.
The basic logic behind it is: More cooldown= more damage= more kills. Getting the -20 MR shred on your boots doesn't do much once they start to build up, so you need to focus more on percentile in opposition to flats, which is when the Void Staff comes in. Void Staff+ Sorc Shoes provides great, but still less than CDR boots, damage.
If somebody has 250 MR, 20 off of it will only deduct roughly 2~5% of their damage resistance. In this example, you do 450 to the enemy with Sorc Shoes+Void Staff, but only land 5 Q's per 15 second.
You do 435 damage to the enemy with Lucidity+Void Staff, but you land 6 Q's per 15 seconds.
2250 w/ Spell Pen boots
2610 w/ Cooldown boots

This is just a vague example of what would happen, numericals are only approximate (Give or take -15/+15)
The damage increase looks minimal when you look at it with specifically that ONE spell, but it is insanely increased between your two spells, and your ultimate. The 14% amplification makes your damage skyrocket with more cooldown.

Cooldown boots help you sustain longer, & harass more; which is my play style. In team fights, they let you do more casts of everything, making you more useful.
Spell Pen boots help you do good early game damage, sustain less(minions have no MR), and harass slightly less. Team fights, you do a smidgen more damage, but you miss out on that ONE Q that could've killed their Talon, who just killed your Kog'maw.


There is a massive amount of speculation on how Vladimir should be built early game. I have seen at least 4 different ways for Vladimir to start and still be viable... to an extent. However, I personally believe that the best start to Vladimir is an Amplifying Tome and a  Health Potion. This gives you 36 extra health from spawn, just from the item. Not counting your AP from your mastery page.
As usual, build up your  Hextech Revolver first. I prefer to stay in lane the entire time until I have the full 1665 to purchase my Will of the Ancients on my first back. This gives me a sizable amount of AP (around ~105) along with the 25% passive SpellVamp aura. I strongly advise that if you have another AP on your team, that they purchase a Will of The Ancients also. The aura DOES stack, meaning that you receive +30 Ability Power, and an additional 25% SpellVamp, totaling to a whopping +60 Ability Power and +50% SpellVamp.

Skipping the theatrics, The opening start with a rushed  Will of the Ancients gives you an amazing lane presence for multiple reasons. First off, as explained above, you get 80 Ability Power from the item itself. Additionally, it gives you the 25% Spell Vamp aura, which makes your Q heal for an insane amount.

   ++++Either Or   

After purchasing your  Ionian Boots of Lucidity, your DPS goes up significantly, and so does your healing. If you want rational explanation as to why I prefer these over MP boots, please refer to the section above.

 Rabadon's Deathcap is an essential item for all offensively built Casters. This gives you a sizable amount of Ability Power, and Health due to your passive. Ultimately making you beefier as a tank, and giving you higher damage output as a mage.

The Giant's Belts are placed in the build in segments for multiple reasons. Mainly to give you a bit of survivability, and also because they're great items which build into perfect matches for Vladimir. Your first Giant's Belt can be built into either the Warmog's Armor or a  Rylai's Crystal Scepter depending on preference, and your score. If you're doing good, take the Rylai's early. If not, or you just want a bit more health and damage on your W, then build the Warmog's first. Either way, you're going to end up incorporating both of the items into your build at some point.

The last item you can build is all a matter of how the enemy team is built. If they're AD heavy, you can go for a  Zhonya's Hourglass, granting you 50 Armor and 100 Ability Power, plus an additional 180 health due to your passive. Zhonya's gives you the incredibly game-changing active which puts you into a period of Stasis for two seconds, and is often overlooked.__
You can also build a  Abyssal Scepter if their team is AP heavy, granting you more ability power and MR. The item also gives you a -20MR Aura which afflicts all enemy champions surrounding you. This gives you damage output on multiple levels, while also allowing you to take more of a beating from enemy casters.

 Warmog's Armor vs  Zhonya's Hourglass

 Warmog's Armor gives you a grand total of around 1,370HP, 34 AP, and 45HP/5 regeneration.
 Zhonya's Hourglass grants you 100 Ability Power, 180HP, 50 armor and the game breaking Stasis active effect on the Zhonya's too! The amount of shit you can do with the Zhonya's is retarded. Buy it if you're doing good enough with your HP. You should have nearly 3k without the Warmog's.

All of these items and your passive, gives you the ending statistics of around~
5,000 Health.
660 Ability Power.
89 MR (47% Reduced Damage) OR 140 Armor(62%?* Reduced Damage)

After Purchasing Elixers, the statistical bonuses are:
5,200 Health
~690 Ability Power

Build Two:


This focuses heavily on the fact that you'll be facing an AP in your lane. This setup gives you an early 34% Cooldown Reduction, +30 Magic Resistance, and +250 Health, +15% Amplification on SpellVamp & Potions, which you capitalize on to pave the road to a great late game! You suffer a bit of an AP loss, but you more than make up for it. You'll be insanely tanky with this build, and will be able to out-sustain anybody in mid lane, while still being able to farm effectively. Your  Tides of Blood stack healing is also amplified by the  Spirit Visage, meaning you get about 60~200 Health back per Q at four stacks. All in all, this is an "Anti-Mage Sustain" build, which proves itself strong in 1v1 situations, and 5v5 scenarios.

Build Three:


This build is a Magic Penetration build, while still staying true to the Mage-Tank theme of the other builds I offer. I suggest this build to advanced Vladimir players only. It has significantly less sustain than the others due to the health loss, and also a lot of utility is sacrificed so you can have more Magic Penetration. I don't suggest this for ranked play, but I will definitely start working on it more. Magic Resist seems to be stacked far too easily in the current metagame, so I'm hoping to work around this. Bare with me on this one, I'm hoping this works.

The penetration with the build amounts to: 49 Flat removal, and 55% removal.
Remember, the additives apply before multiplicatives. So, if they have 100MR, you take it down to a base of 51, then 55% of 51 is removed. Leaving them with roughly 23 MR.
The more MR they have, the more effective the penetration is due to how it is layered in the purchase order. The key to maximum penetration (lul) is to utilize the perfect amount of flat and percentile. Too much flat means that your percentile suffers. Too much percentile means your flat suffers. Think accordingly when purchasing items.

Counter Purchases

Vladimir is one of the beefiest mages in the game, and is a royal pain in the ass to take down. But that's only because of two mechanics that he utilizes.
  • High HP from his passive.
  • High DPS output from his skill kit.
Your massive health pool won't help you late game though, as people will focus you and tear through you. Quite a few good purchases prevent you from being demolished.

Magic Resistance

This item effectively gives you a nice amount of MR, along with cancelling any Crowd-Control effects on you. Literally, ANY SPELL OR DEBUFF in the game can be removed; Ignite, Vladimir Ultimate, Malzahaar Ultimate, Warwick Ultimate, and the list goes on. This is a great purchase if you have trouble with staying alive, even with your  Sanguine Pool. If they have a lot of CC or Casters on their team, this should purchased after your core three items.
Normally, I don't suggest this because it's not really a viable item on Vladimir in comparison to other purchases you could be making, but it's great if your team is having trouble in TeamFights. It gives you a great Magic Resistance bonus, along with a chunk of Armor; and its game changing passive which revives you to 750 HP. (Note: If you respawn and drop a Transfusion on somebody, you can easily get back up to 1,200+ health)
Fantastic item if they have a lot of channel-burst spells, such as Nunu's ultimate  Absolute Zero, or Galio's  Idol of Durand. Gives you a nice HP bonus, a fat stack of MR, and the life saving passive of a Spellshield every 45 seconds.
Much like Guardian Angel, I don't often suggest this item; but it is a viable option if their team is Caster heavy. Your survivability goes up remarkably due to the .35% HP regeneration passive, 40 HP/5, and +76 Magic Resistance. You'll piss off the enemy team effectively with this purchase.


If their team is AD heavy, and you find yourself taking a beating too often in fights, Thornmail counters them in every aspect possible. They knock their HP down by attacking you, making it easier for you to kill them, while also providing you with a whopping +100 armor bonus.
One of my personal favorites in terms of armor items. I buy it on nearly every single one of my heroes if I find that the other team is AD heavy. The statistical bonuses out-weigh Thornmail in every way (Cooldown reduction!), and its passive makes it even more threatening than anything else. People will rage hard on you for buying this, solely because of how crippling it is to them. Have a bad initiate and you need to get out? No problem! Just use the active so your team can get away safely. The uses of this item are infinite.

Summoner Spells

 Ignite is a great spell on any caster, especially Vladimir. Your ultimate amplifies your damage by 14%, and ignite is a DoT true damage spell, so there's no going wrong when taking this spell. At level 18, Ignite does 410 true damage. With the 14% damage amplification from your ultimate, you deal a total of ~468 TRUE DAMAGE.

 Teleport is a personal preference. I personally love this spell to death, and bring it on any character that isn't a support. This permits you to do so many things that any other spell doesn't. You can go and purchase items in the store, and suffer only around a 12second lane presence loss before you're back with your items and full health. Additionally, it's an extremely viable ganking tool. You can pick up at least five extra kills per game through the usage of teleport.

Other possible options:

 Flash is a time-tested spell that everyone loves and I see far too often. You can initiate fights with it, chase down people, and even escape with it. Since you have your W, I personally don't think it's required. But you can bring it if you really want it.

 Ghost, much like flash, has dozens of utility usages. Chasing, escaping, getting to a destination.

 Exhaust isn't exactly the best option, but it is possible to manage to bring it. If the rest of your team refuses to bring it, you could bring it if you know how to use it.

 Revive is an often overlooked spell which has an amazing game changing capability. Misused, it can just give the team another kill. Pick it wisely if you do bring it.

Don't Bring:

 Heal is self explanatory. We're not level 5 anymore.

 Fortify, You aren't a tank. This spell should be on people who compliment it's usage.

 Cleanse, Once again, you aren't a tank, and you shouldn't find yourself in a situation where you get CC'd down. It does have viability, but there are better options for Vladimir.

 Clarity, self explanatory.

 Rally, again, self explanatory.

 Clairvoyance, You aren't a support champion. Unless you seriously know what you're doing, or you're competing against a team that likes to gank mid lane, avoid this spell.

 Smite, You aren't a jungler.

Skill Usage/ Playing Style

I play an extremely situational Vladimir, playing Aggressive only if my team can support me. Moving on,

Before level 7, Vladimir can easily be shut down by just about anyone. This is where it matters how you play. Focusing on last hitting is essential. Attempt to harass the enemy with a few Q's when you're level 1. Take last hits with your Auto Attacks, and heal off of the minions if necessary. Level 2, you get your  Tides of Blood. This is your primary last hitting tool, but it needs to be managed carefully. You can commit suicide if you're not careful about using this spell appropriately.
Alternate between harassing the enemy champion and last hitting minions. Take great care in the fact that whoever you are against, whether it be solo top or middle, they are fully aware that your Q has an extremely long cooldown pre-7. Exercise great caution when using Q, and use it only when you know its safe. Cast  Tides of Blood followed by  Transfusion and then fall back a bit, because you are vulnerable.
Level 4, you can be a bit more 'ballsy' because you have your escape,  Sanguine Pool. Once again, this is a very lengthy cooldown (27s approx at rank 1) and should only be used to escape ganks, turret fire, and to negate ultimates; which is covered in the section below.

A good order for your skills in a 1-1 scenario is:
 Transfusion ->  Hemoplague ->  Ignite ->  Tides of Blood ->  Transfusion ->  Sanguine Pool ->  Tides of Blood ->  Transfusion

At any level,  Transfusion is a great tool of survival. If you get low HP during a teamfight, it's often a good idea to leave temporarily and heal in the jungle using  Transfusion. You can easily leave a fight at 5% health and return with 50%. Timing when to leave so you survive is key. If you leave at the wrong moment, you can single handedly cost your team the game.
Another usage for your Q ability is to kite enemy champions if you are low HP. This is extremely risky though, and should only be attempted if you understand what you're doing. This opens you up to attacks and advancements by pursuers because you're stopping your movement for a brief period of time to restore health. However, you can often come out on top with much more HP than you started with if this is done properly.

Sanguine Pool

This spell is the reason that Tryndamere rages endlessly.  Sanguine Pool allows you to become an untargettable asshole for two seconds, slows enemy units by 40% for 1 second, and also gives you a 10~25% Speed Boost for .5seconds, regardless of what people may say. The spell deals damage based of 15% of your Bonus Health. With this build, you can do around ~~700 damage with your Sanguine Pool, and Spell Vamp around 400 of that back.

A well timed Sanguine Pool can deflect/dodge the following skills:

 Akali ->  Mark of the Assassin /  Crescent Slash /  Shadow Dance
 Alistar ->  Pulverize /  Headbutt
 Amumu ->  Bandage Toss /  Despair /  Tantrum /  Curse of the Sad Mummy
 Anivia ->  Flash Frost /  Frostbite /  Glacial Storm
 Annie ->  Disintegrate /  Incinerate /  Summon: Tibbers
 Ashe ->  Volley /  Enchanted Crystal Arrow
 Blitzcrank ->  Rocket Grab /  Power Fist /  Static Field
 Brand ->  Sear /  Pillar of Flame /  Conflagration /  Pyroclasm
 Caitlyn ->  Piltover Peacemaker /  90 Caliber Net /  Ace in the Hole
 Cassiopeia ->  Twin Fang /  Petrifying Gaze
 Cho'Gath ->  Rupture /  Feral Scream /  Feast
 Corki ->  Phosphorus Bomb /  Valkyrie /  Gatling Gun /  Missile Barrage
 Dr. Mundo ->  Infected Cleaver /  Burning Agony
 Evelynn ->  Hate Spike /  Ravage
 Ezreal ->  Mystic Shot / Essence Flux /  Arcane Shift /  Trueshot Barrage
 Fiddlesticks ->  Dark Wind /  Crowstorm
 Galio ->  Resolute Smite /  Righteous Gust /  Idol of Durand
 Gangplank ->  Parrrley /  Cannon Barrage (Doesn't remove slow effect)
 Garen ->  Decisive Strike /  Judgment /  Demacian Justice
 Gragas ->  Barrel Roll /  Body Slam /  Explosive Cask
 Heimerdinger ->  Hextech Micro-Rockets /  CH-1 Concussion Grenade
 Irelia ->  Bladesurge /  Equilibrium Strike /  Transcendent Blades
 Janna ->  Howling Gale /  Zephyr /  Monsoon
 Jarvan IV ->  Dragon Strike /  Golden Aegis /  Demacian Standard /  Cataclysm
 Jax ->  Leap Strike /  Counter Strike ( With Leap Strike )
 Karma ->  Heavenly Wave /  Soul Shield
 Karthus ->  Lay Waste /  Defile /  Wall of Pain /  Requiem
 Kassadin ->  Null Sphere /  Force Pulse /  Riftwalk
 Katarina ->  Bouncing Blade /  Shunpo /  Death Lotus
 Kayle ->  Reckoning /  Righteous Fury
 Kennen ->  Thundering Shuriken /  Lightning Rush /  Slicing Maelstrom
 Kog'Maw ->  Caustic Spittle /  Void Ooze /  Living Artillery
 LeBlanc ->  Sigil of Silence /  Distortion /  Ethereal Chains
 Lee Sin ->  Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike /  Tempest / Cripple /  Dragon's Rage
 Lux ->  Light Binding /  Lucent Singularity /  Finales Funkeln
 Malphite ->  Seismic Shard /  Ground Slam /  Unstoppable Force
 Malzahar ->  Call of the Void /  Null Zone /  Malefic Visions
 Maokai ->  Arcane Smash /  Twisted Advance /  Sapling Toss /  Vengeful Maelstrom
 Master Yi ->  Alpha Strike
 Miss Fortune ->  Double Up /  Make it Rain /  Bullet Time
 Mordekaiser ->  Mace of Spades /  Siphon of Destruction /  Children of the Grave
 Morgana ->  Dark Binding /  Tormented Soil /  Soul Shackles
 Nasus ->  Siphoning Strike /  Wither /  Spirit Fire  Fury of the Sands (Hard to dodge W&R)
 Nidalee ->  Javelin Toss / Takedown /  Bushwhack / Pounce /  Primal Surge / Swipe /  Aspect Of The Cougar
 Nocturne ->  Duskbringer /  Unspeakable Horror /  Paranoia (Only prevents damage, not the dive)
 Nunu ->  Ice Blast /  Absolute Zero
 Olaf ->  Undertow /  Reckless Swing
 Orianna ->  Command: Attack /  Command: Dissonance /  Command: Protect /  Command: Shockwave
 Pantheon ->  Spear Shot /  Aegis of Zeonia /  Heartseeker Strike /  Grand Skyfall
 Poppy ->  Devastating Blow /  Heroic Charge
 Rammus ->  Powerball /  Puncturing Taunt /  Tremors
 Renekton ->  Cull the Meek /  Ruthless Predator /  Slice and Dice /  Dominus (Hard to dodge R)
 Riven ->  Broken Wings /  Ki Burst / Blade of the Exile / Wind Slash
 Rumble ->  Flamespitter / Electro Harpoon /  The Equalizer
 Ryze ->  Overload /  Rune Prison /  Spell Flux
 Shaco ->  Jack In The Box /  Two-Shiv Poison /  Hallucinate
 Shen ->  Vorpal Blade /  Shadow Dash
 Singed ->  Poison Trail /  Mega Adhesive /  Fling (Doesn't remove Poison Trail)
 Sion ->  Cryptic Gaze /  Death's Caress
 Sivir ->  Boomerang Blade / Richochet
 Skarner ->  Crystal Slash /  Fracture /  Impale
 Sona ->  Power Chord /  Hymn of Valor /  Crescendo
 Soraka ->  Starcall /  Infuse
 Swain ->  Decrepify /  Nevermove /  Torment /  Ravenous Flock
 Talon ->  Noxian Diplomacy /  Rake /  Shadow Assault
 Taric ->  Shatter /  Dazzle
 Teemo ->  Blinding Dart /  Noxious Trap
 Tristana ->  Rocket Jump /  Explosive Shot /  Buster Shot
 Trundle ->  Rabid Bite /  Pillar of Filth /  Agony (Only removes slow from W)
 Tryndamere ->  Mocking Shout /  Spinning Slash
 Twisted Fate ->  Wild Cards /  Pick A Card /  Stacked Deck (If applied)
 Twitch ->  Debilitating Poison /  Expunge /  Spray and Pray
 Udyr ->  Tiger Stance's DoT /  Bear Stance's Stun /  Phoenix Stance's AoE
 Urgot ->  Acid Hunter /  Noxian Corrosive Charge
 Vayne ->  Tumble /  Silver Bolts /  Condemn (Only dodges 3rd hit bolts)
 Veigar ->  Baleful Strike /  Dark Matter /  Primordial Burst
 Vladimir ->  Sanguine Pool /  Tides of Blood /  Hemoplague
 Warwick ->  Hungering Strike /  Infinite Duress
 Wukong ->  Crushing Blow /  Decoy /  Nimbus Strike /  Cyclone
 Xin Zhao ->  Three Talon Strike /  Audacious Charge /  Crescent Sweep
 Yorick ->  Omen of War /  Omen of Pestilence /  Omen of Famine
 Zilean ->  Time Bomb /  Time Warp

**Still working on adding some of the skills**

Will of The Ancients and You

This item is considered "bad, trash, shit, waste of slot" and many other negative things. However, I find it to be extremely beneficial to you as a player, and to your team as a whole. It essentially is a second support for all of your casters, as long as they're dumping their spells. It also gives you a nice 30 AP on top of the 25% Spell Vamp aura for all of your allies. If they have a  Rabadon's Deathcap, it gets amplified to a +39 AP bonus, which isn't really that much, but it's 39 AP more than they had before.
Moving on, Your team will have a severely increased chance of survivability in team fights when they're using their skills, and you will often outlast the other team solely on the fact that you have SpellVamp, and they don't.  Will of the Ancients is an amazing utility item that is often overlooked, but I can assure you that it will gain popularity relatively soon.

Team Fighting & Your role in it

Your ultimate,  Hemoplague is a marvelous thing that your team will love you for once you know how to use it. If it is placed properly in a team fight, you can hit all Five of the enemy champions, which creates a massive opening for your team to wipe them out. When afflicted by Hemoplague, enemy champions take 14% bonus damage from all enemy sources. This includes auto attacks, summoner spells, skills, and item activations such as  Hextech Gunblade and  Deathfire Grasp. Make sure you notify your team when you are going to use your ultimate, because even if all of your team is at 50% health and the opposing team is full, you can easily burst them down if your team focuses properly.
Your W,  Sanguine Pool, has a great utility purpose. It gives a 40% slow for 1 second to all enemy units in the area when used. This can be used to soak up some extra health, slow down a single or group of enemies for your team, or just to do some extra damage. The purpose of it is endless.
***The slow on Sanguine Pool is refreshed if the enemy stays on it. I have not confirmed this, but I do believe this is true. If you have confirmation on whether or not this is true, please reply.


 Vladimir is not a champion for everyone, and contrary to popular belief, is not one of the easiest champions in the league. Vladimir has an extremely strong role on a team, and has a load of benefits to bring to any team; even after his recent 'nerfs'. Please try the build before posting feedback on it, and provide me with positive/negative feedback as you see fit. I have spent over 30 hours playing Vladimir and an equal amount of time perfecting this build, and I'm open to changes in the build if you provide rational explanation.
Thank you for reading, please comment.


94k views, thank you everyone!
-AllCooperAgain for the Magic Resistance formulas
-EggsnSteak for the suggestion on changing to 9-0-21 masteries from 10-0-20

>Added additional information to the 'Sanguine Pool' section. 7/11/11
>Changed mastery setup to 9-0-21 and cleaned up the grammar in the guide to be consistent with the changes. 7/12/11
>Created "Build Two" as an anti-AP-carry build. Still developing and refining the purchase order. 7/12/11
>Added colors because apparently 9 Year Olds use MobaFire and enjoy looking at coloring books. 7/15/11
>Removed 'Comment to Vote'. Expecting lots of troll voting. 7/16/11
>Added 'Will of the Ancients and You" section. 7/26/11
>Touched up some grammar to be consistent with the rest of the guide. 7/27/11
>3,500 VIEWS! :) Thank you everyone for giving the guide so many views. It means a lot to me that people find this helpful. 7/27/11
>Cleaned up some grammar in the guide, re-worked Build Two on the page.
>Moved around some images.
>Added information about Build Two to 'Items' to be consistent with the rest of the guide.
>Cleaned up grammar and added information to be consistent with the rest of the guide. 8/6/11
>Added "Build Three" and some information on it. 8/7/11
>Cleaned up grammar and added more information to be consistent with the rest of the guide. 8/8/11
>Cleaned up the guide overall, removed/added some icons.
>Modified "Build Two", still producing results and tinkering with the build.
>Re-working "Build Three" 8/12/11
>Added Pentakill Screenshot #2, modified "Build Two"'s core. 8/14/11
> Finally got around to adding the dodgeable skill section. Thanks to Heluey for the first half of the champion skills!
>Changed and added some alternatives to the 'Seals' component of your Runes you can take. 8/22/11
>Added the "Counter-Purchases" section to make the guide more up-to-date. 8/26/11
>Updated the "Sanguine Pool" section. Added Talon's dodgeable skills to the list. 8/26/11
>Updated some grammar to be consistent with the guide. 9/5/11
>Added 'Riven's dodgeable skills to the list. Added the "Significant Patches" section to show updates that effect Vladimir. 9/16/11
>Fixed some grammar to be consistent with changes in the guide. (Fixed the 10-0-20 reference in the CDR vs MPen section) 9/17/11
>Added more depth to the "Masteries" chapter, and changed "Build Two"'s order & information based on user feedback. 9/22/11
>Added more information to the "CDR vs Spell Pen" section of the guide. 9/30/11

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