Saturday, October 01, 2011


Your Tryndamere Resource

1664 Votes
By: Apotheosis on 2010-06-29 :: Viewed 3106515 times


LoL Champion: Tryndamere (Cheat Sheet)

League of Legends Tryndamere Spell Flash 
League of Legends Tryndamere Spell Exhaust
Health Per 5 Sec26
Mana Per 5 Sec0
Magic Resist79.3
Attack Damage340
Crit Chance80%
Crit Damage50%
Attack Range125
Movement Speed441
Ability Power0
Attack Speed85%
Life Steal15%
Armor Penetration44.93
Magic Penetration0
Cooldown Reduction15.0%
Gold Per 10 Sec0
Reduced Death Time0%
LoL Rune Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Mark of Desolation
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Resilience
Greater Seal of Resilience
LoL Rune Greater Glyph of Shielding
Greater Glyph of Shielding
LoL Rune Greater Quintessence of Desolation
Greater Quint of Desolation

Ability Sequence

league of legends ability Battle FuryBattle Fury
league of legends ability BloodlustBloodlustTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol ability
league of legends ability Mocking ShoutMocking ShoutTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol ability
league of legends ability Spinning SlashSpinning SlashTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol ability
league of legends ability Undying RageUndying RageTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol abilityTryndamere lol ability

Purchase Order

Brawler's Gloves
Mercury's Treads
Avarice Blade
B. F. Sword
Infinity Edge
Vampiric Scepter
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Phantom Dancer
The Black Cleaver
The Bloodthirster

Mastery Trees

Plentiful Bounty
Archmage's Savvy
Burning Embers
Archaic Knowledge
Offensive Mastery
Brute Force
Improved Rally

Offense: 21

Mender's Faith
Strength of Spirit
Defensive Mastery
Harden Skin
Veteran's Scars

Defense: 0

Spatial Accuracy
Good Hands
Expanded Mind
Blink of an Eye
Mystical Vision
Presence of the Master

Utility: 9

Your Tryndamere Resource

By: Apotheosis


Read the news section for information about this guide!

Hello and welcome to Apotheosis's Guide to  Tryndamere! This guide will increase your knowledge with  Tryndamereand can be a necessary tool that will help you become a better player on Summoner's Rift and/including Twisted Treeline (Purposely made for Summoner's Rift). It's strongly encouraged and recommended that you read the entire guide, whether it is all done at once, or if you break it down into sections and read it that way. It doesn't matter whether you're new to the game or if you have experience, there's always new information that you can learn about a champion just by reading about them. I dedicate my time so that you can enjoy yours! Having said that, constructive critisism is strongly encouraged.

News, Updates, & Patchnotes

Update: Thursday, September 8, 2011

So, it's been a month since I've really updated this guide last. I have not been playing Tryndamere frequently myself, so I stuck to just answering questions for some time. In this update, I have added more description to the build section to tie in with the builds that I provide up-top.

Stupid me released this before it was finished.

Pros & Cons

I'm going to make this short and sweet and basically, I'm going over the benefits of  Tryndamere's utility:


 Tryndamere is a great end game champion when it comes to damage with the correct item build. He has great mobility when it comes to Movement Speed (item dependent) and his ability to use  Spinning Slash. This is why you shouldn't overlook  Phantom Dancer (one reason for the item's purpose). The ability  Bloodlust allows for healing in many cases to prevent death.  Mocking Shout provides a strong slow for many different situations. Finally, his ability  Undying Rageprovides immunity to death for 5 seconds so that you can either escape a death threatening situation, buy your team time to lower the other team's defenses, and possibly provide yourself with a kill.


 Tryndamere, as you will realize, is very item dependent. His purpose in the team doesn't truly start to show until he has an Infinity Edge as a primary means for damage. This means that when you choose to play him, your early game will usually suck. You therefore have to embrace the suck and manage to support your team until you purchase  Infinity Edge. At that time, your ability to carry won't be near as difficult as before.  Tryndamere does get harassed easily on his own and in team fights, so it's usually not wise to initiate each team fight.

A Closer Look @ Abilities

I have ideas for new sections including this one which will be beneficial to the user's knowledge. I suggest that you come back and visit soon.

Recommended Spells & Runes

 Flash: Teleports your champion to target nearby location.

Mastery: Reduces the cooldown by 15 seconds.

 Flash is one of those spells that you normally see everyone using because everyone can benefit greatly from it. The difference between normal champions and champions like  Tryndamere is that we can open the possibility of having 2 Flashes Spinning Slash would be the other ability that acts like a weaker version of  Flash (the types of walls you can go through varies in comparison to  Flash). I'd have to say that  Flash saves lives. It's saved me an ungodly amount of times and it usually does the same for others. I strongly recommend getting this spell.

 Cleanse: Removes all debuffs from your champion and reduces the duration of subsequent stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps, silences, blinds and immobilizes by 65% for the next 3 seconds.

Mastery: Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds.

This is a very worthy spell. However, it does not remove the variation of debuffs that  Quicksilver Sash does. Although it is not very popular, it is an extremely cost-efficient item, as the active is one of the best in the game.

 Exhaust: Slows movement speed by 40% and reduces auto/basic attack damage by 70% and ability/item damage by 35% for 3 seconds.

Mastery: Improves  Exhaust to also reduce the target's armor and magic resistance by 10 for the duration, and increases its duration by 0.5 seconds.

If you don't get  Cleanse, then it's a safe bet that you're getting  Quicksilver Sash (I hope) and this opens up the spell Exhaust for use. I originally wanted to fit Phage into the build as a necessary item, but  Exhaust will have to make up for it. Plus, you have a safety net against heavy auto-attackers to get a head start on them with your own damage.

 Ghost: Your Champion ignores unit collision and moves 27% faster for 10 seconds.

Mastery: Increases the movement speed by 6% and its duration by 1.5 seconds.

I've grown more fond of this spell. Having said this, I do not personally use it nor do I usually recommend it to contradict my previous statement. However, this spell is subject to personal preference as are the rest of the spells and many choose to use it in addition to ganking and escaping.

 Smite: Smite deals 420 + (lvl x 25) True damage to a enemy minion, pet, neutral monster.

Mastery: Improves  Smite to reward a bonus 5 gold when used, and reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds.

I'm not really worried about this mastery :P Anyways,  Smite is very helpful only if you promise yourself to get Quicksilver Sash in Summoner's Rift. You won't need Smite for Twisted Treeline.  Exhaust isn't a must have spell, although it is extremely helpful. If you have a possible jungler already on your team, do not get this. If you have to be the last resort for a jungler, then I'd recommend getting it. It makes your jungling faster obviously, less intimidating, and allows you to get to ganking right away.

Main Rune Book
 Greater Quintessence of Desolation
 Greater Mark of Desolation
 Greater Seal of Resilience
 Greater Glyph of Shielding

So, why do I choose these rune types? They are all primary, meaning that they are the best of their rune type. However, that wasn't the only reason I chose them. They all play their role in games:

 Greater Quintessence of Desolation:
Armor Penetration basically brings the user closer to dealing true damage. It will always be useful because every champion will end up surpassing our Armor Penetration in runes with their end base Armor. It never goes to waste. There is no other Quintessence that should replace these runes because nothing quite competes against them.

 Greater Mark of Desolation:
Again with Armor Penetration, it's necessary if you want to come closer to dealing true damage. The current argument is whether to get these or Attack Speed runes for Marks. I will provide some nice calculations for the future.

Take this formula and apply your stat including runes:
AP=armor penetration
AS= attack speed
CC= critical chance
A= armor (where A - AP cannot reach less then 0)
D= damage
DPS= Damage per Second

D * AS * (1 + CC * (Crit Damage - 1)) * (100 / (100 + A - AP)) = DPS

 Greater Seal of Resilience:
Why does a carry even want Armor? Isn't that stuff for tanks? That was a hot argument when I changed the Seals over to Flat Armor and then Phreak did the same in his Tryndamere Spotlight and everyone shuts up :P I'm a big fan of these runes because they are very helpful when it comes to laning and jungling. The only other rune type I would replace this for would be Greater Seal of Evasion. Nothing else compares so I rest my case.

 Greater Glyph of Shielding
I find myself extremely intrigued that people choose Attack Speed in Glyphs. Not only is it a waste of IP, but is a waste of rune slots. There are only two other types of runes that I would recommend as Glyphs. Those types of Glyphs are Flat Magic Resist and Cooldown Reduction. All of these runes serve their purposes. Users choose Magic Resistance/Level for the benefits of late game Magic Resistance and getting the most out of your Glyphs (which provide usually the weakest runes). Other users choose Flat Magic Resistance for early game laning and the rest choose Cooldown Reduction obviously for reducing their cooldowns.

If you do not agree with my runes, go mix and match your runes using this helpful site: List of Runes I'm not saying change them drastically, but it will show you the best of every rune class and it can be helpful.

Reasoning for my Spells, Skill Order, & Masteries

Main Spells
Flash is a must have spell. That's all I will say about that.

Choosing our secondary spell:
Refer to the list of spells that I recommend.

Skill Order
About the only way the skill order will change is if you decide to jungle or not:

If you do jungle, your skill order will look like this:
 Bloodlust ->  Spinning Slash ->  Bloodlust ->  Mocking Shout right into the normal skill order from there.

If you don't jungle, you will follow the normal order of skills that my guide recommends:
It's smart that we start off with  Spinning Slash so that we can benefit from the mobility asap in-case we need to escape a death threatening situation.  Bloodlust isn't a worthy first skill to choose because it offers very low health and damage starting off. Mobility is our better choice.

Talent Tree

There are some questions you may have about the masteries:

Why not get this? Because we have 2% dodge rate. Enough said.

Good Hands versus Perseverance
The first point in Perseverance offers 2% Health and Mana Regeneration, but the final 2 points offer 1%. Not a good trade.

Greed versus Utility Mastery
Wouldn't you rather have longer lasting red and/or blue buff(s) over a shitty gold return rate? I don't know, maybe you would, but since Tryndamere can jungle well and you'll probably do it for the buffs, you're going to have buffs often and the extra time with them will be beneficial.

You, Your Team & Wards

Warding is way too over looked by many teams. I'm going to show you how to ward correctly, or at least how my team and I ward. The ward possibilities are obviously endless for 5s. These are the primary areas that you and your team will be warding each and every game.

Order of priority:

 Baron/Dragon Wards:  
However you decide to set these up with your team, whether it be orderly among the team or supports only buy wards, make sure these are always laid out! Baron and Dragon are what we're primarily keeping an eye on here. Early in the match it's not as important obviously, however, you still need to know whether top, mid, or bot will be set up for a gank when enemy laners/junglers are wandering about. These early kills can help the enemy sculpt the rest of the match and land a victory. We don't want to be allowing the enemy to kill either Baron or Dragon. That's a good chunk of gold that will distribute among their team, not to mention Baron's handy buff. Again, don't overlook these wards!

Note: I would recommend using  Vision Wards for these locations, especially Baron mid-late game. If not  Vision Wards, then make sure someone, usually the tank, has  Oracle's for discovering enemy wards.

 Self Privacy Wards:  
There's orange points at top, mid, and bot hiding locations. I would hope that your entire team would try to ward the areas entitled to them. These wards are not entirely important, however, they are lifesavers. Junglers and wandering laners will use these bushes to set up for early kills. If you're pushing your lane, then it would be a good idea to ward the bush(s) that is closet to you.

 Team Privacy Wards:  
These are crucial wards to put out if the match can go either way by eliminating possible ambushes when pushing minions or entering your own jungle.

 Game Changing Wards:  
Of course all of the wards posted on the map are capable of changing the outcome of a game, but these wards are placed in a location that both teams will always drift by. Reasons to go through the wards (for both teams): Getting to Baron and dragon, changing lanes, shifting from allied jungle to the enemy's jungle (either by self or team) to steal mobs/buffs, shifting as a team to gank the enemy team, etc. If you just have a ward on either Baron and/or dragon, you can still miss the enemy slipping by into your jungle never knowing it. This allows enemies to set up ganks. Therefore, these wards change the outcome of a game because you know whats coming.

 Invading Wards:  
I thought it was appropriate to name these wards in this manner because you can enter their bushes knowing whether they're there or not before you attempt to set up a gank. The enemy usually walks through these bushes hoping to freely enter their jungle for experience/gold and/or buffs.

 Buff Wards:  
Monitor your's and enemy's buffs with these wards. Good to set in your own jungle if they start playing dirty and snatching buffs early game from your jungle. These wards are primarily for the junglers of each team.

Boot Selection

 Mercury's Treads:
 Mercury's Treads feature the highest value of Tenacity of any item and is in a tie for being the least expensive Tenacity item in League of Legends. It would be wise to purchase these because Tenacity works on every type of Crowd Control, except suppressions and knock ups, obviously, which is what  Tryndamere needs most as he is easily harassed. Having 35 Tenacity results in 35% reduced Crowd Control duration. Enough said.

 Berserker's Greaves:
This item provides 25% Attack Speed. If you don't care about or want Tenacity, then this is your second best choice. It is more necessary for Twisted Treeline than it is Summoner's Rift.

 Ninja Tabi:
 Ninja Tabi is the only item with Dodge Rating in the League of Legends. The tabi should be considered your number one choice of boots when presented with an opposing team consisting primarily of physical damage and little to no Crowd Control. However, it is built usually by tanks, as it gives Armor and the ability to Dodge.

Jungling As Tryndamere

Starting each game, I'll purchase  Elixir of Agility and 6  Health Potions This is more than suffice for jungling. At 1:40, start and complete in this order: 1->2->3 (minus Elder Lizard) -> and 4 if possible (if you're popping  Health Potions one after another, there should be no problems). If not, then -> recall 5->1->2->3->4 From there, you can choose to continue jungling or gank/aid lanes.

Let's break this down:
Starting and finishing in this order provides the safest jungle experience. The use of  Vampiric Scepter may be used, but your ability to down "4" is usually impossible after the initial run through. Realize that at "2" you need to Smite the greater Wraith to move forward with minimal damage taken. Also, during the first run through note that if you choose to purchase Elixir of Agility then you will NOT consume any Fury until after killing the first golem at "4". The same goes for those who choose  Vampiric Scepter, except that you wont consume any  Bloodlust and you won't continue to "4". When you recall with  Vampiric Scepter, you will need to buy  Health Potions for your second run through because you will NOT make it through without doing so. Because of not being capable of downing golems with  Vampiric Scepter, you can't purchase Boots of Speed, therefore you won't probably be ganking so early. If you choose to purchase  Elixir of Agility at the beginning of the match, you will purchase  Boots of Speed after the initial run through and you then have the option of a more successful gank if chosen to do so.

I will implement a video in the future.

Item Building

Early Game

 Brawler's Gloves is just about the best item that you can get that will branch into bigger items and still benefit you early on in your game. This, combined with a full bar of fury, will give you better chances towards landing critical hits off when laning against your enemy. You may also choose to purchase  Boots of Speed which is personally what I prefer to do. You will notice that I am a big fan of Movement Speed for Tryndamere simply because he has every right to be as mobile as possible, whether it's through items (Movement Speed stat) or abilities. I say this because he has the capability of being built to become a truly efficient killing machine, but isn't quite made for it without the proper items/stat. There are several other champions who can out-perform him without having these items simply because their abilities allow them to do so in unique ways whereas Tryndamere won't benefit without having a supplement; in this case items. Now, this is the same with any champion, but no other champion can hit quite like Tryndamere can, say it's a even fight. His strength relies completely on being able to continuously lock on and hit a focused target.


Early on in the laning phase, Movement Speed is no-where near as important as it is later on in a game just because we can't obtain too much through items yet (note that I am excusing other champion's passives and abilities, which definitely help). However, the accessibility to move more freely is a much greater demand when you need to be quick: either for escaping or catching an enemy (including jungle ganks from teamed ally).

Personally, I don't believe in jungling as  Tryndamere. There are several other champions that provide more efficient jungling and therefore fill that role better than he can.


Refer to the "Jungling As Tryndamere" section for the correct routing to take and for all other questions. You want a strong jungle who can provide strong ganks (  Mocking Shout is alright, but for eg:  Nocturne's fear based ability Unspeakable Horror is usually more efficient tagged along with  Duskbringer and/or  Ghost), not a what if jungle.

Finishing Early Game

We shouldn't decide that we're going to rush any one legendary item or the other right away. If we do this, we end up slacking in some areas where we really need that extra stat. For example: if we rush  Phantom Dancer then we have Attack Speed and Movement Speed, but no Attack Damage.  Infinity Edge gives us Attack Damage, but no Attack Speed nor does it give Movement Speed which, again, I strongly recommend.  Youmuu's Ghostblade gives us a balance of several different stat and focusing primarily on Attack Speed for those who remember to use its active. Alone, it provides insufficient damage without other items that provide Attack Damage paired with it.

Having said all this, building the smaller parts of each of these items give us sufficient stat that we are looking for until we can rake in some more gold and completely finish the items.

Really, the only other boots you should be getting are  Beserker's Greaves. I made a section for choosing boots, but let's be real honest here, why get boots of any other fucking kind? Read the boot selection section if you haven't done so already.

Mid Game

This whole game revolves around us getting  Infinity Edge for our primary source of damage. Once we have this item, shit starts to get real. Unfortunately, getting there can, and usually is, the hardest part. This is the first legendary item that should be purchased in almost every game and/or scenario. After it's purchase, the item order doesn't have to follow my own. However, I recommended that you don't get to clueless with your item purchase after buying  Infinity Edge as it will greatly affect your game's outcome.

 Vampiric Scepter is our follow-up item after the purchase of  Infinity Edge. The purpose of waiting for Lifesteal is having the damage to make it worthwhile. This is why it's so useless to have early game. Where there is little damage, there is substantially less Lifesteal. This item is a placeholder for the legendary item  Bloodthirster.

What makes  Youmuu's Ghostblade even remotely logical to have in our build is the large outputs of damage that Tryndamere dishes out via auto-attack. This helps him become more of a nuke and really pressures the opposing team when Youmuu's Ghostblade's active is applied in team fights, especially against most carries.

Finishing Mid Game
 Phantom Dancer is an extremely optional and situational item. Everything has to be going in your favor before you may finish this item from  Zeal. If not, the item is delayed until your champion is more stable against the enemy team. When I say "stable", I'm implying that you may need to look at the other options you have from the different items in this section first to ensure that you're, for example, not getting nuked to death by AP carries.

 Force of Nature is there if you don't need the spell immunity from  Quicksilver Sash and just need the Magic Resistance and other bullshit that comes with  Force of Nature. However, I highly recommend  Quicksilver Sash in almost every scenario because we almost always need to neglect a Crowd Control and/or Silencing ability when entering team fights. Also, Tryndamere is very item dependent if you haven't noticed. With that said, he is an expensive champion to play, so any shortcuts that we can take in price is more than necessary. These are high priority items to get before moving on. At a high ELO standpoint, you will always face teams where one of these items are necessary to stay in team fights. This is mostly 5s related, but you will see the need for Magic Resistance in 3s as well.

 Banshee's Veil is an excellent item as well because it's in the same neighborhood as the other two items above as far as Magic Resistance is concerned, provides Health (whatever, it helps) and neglects an actual Spell every 45 seconds. Neglecting Spells is insanely important for team fights and 1v1 and 1vX scenarios. Think of every event when you wanted to initiate a team fight with whomever you're playing, whether it's a tank, support, AP carry or AD carry and you simply couldn't because the enemy had  Banshee's Veil. This now applies to the enemy and doesn't apply to yourself, unless you're trying to slow someone with  Mocking Shout.

The other team knows that you have  Infinity Edge and they know that it's not good for their health. The tanks should be stacking some sort of Armor if they're smart, so, it's a good time to get an item that has Armor Penetration/Reduction. The real question from this point on is: How do I decide which item to get over the other? The answer is quite simple, look at the enemy team's total Armor. If you see a tank with a substantial amount of Armor, or about to build a large sum of it, then Last Whisper is the better choice. If you see a team with small amounts of Armor, including the tank, then  Black Cleaverwill be suffice.  Black Cleaver is an excellent item to purchase for Attack Speed to build fury faster for higher critical change and, in most cases, will be the item to purchase over  Last Whisper.

Late Game

Hopefully you're a good carry and got this far decently fast. Otherwise, this is, in most games, our absolute last item. We needed to solve many stat issues that would interfere with our success (Magic Resistance, Attack Speed, Movement Speed, Immunity to certain abilities, and Attack Damage). All of these statistics were looked at and the build was adjusted accordingly to them. Anyway, onto our final item:  The Bloodthirster. This item is hands down the best Attack Damage oriented item we can buy for Tryndamere after Infinity Edge. That is if you can keep it sufficiently stacked. At this point in the game, if you're the one being focused because your opponents absolutely fear you, then it will be hard to benefit fully from you end game lifesteal. For that reason, you need to make sure that the other team doesn't have a reason to target you first by making a surprise entrance when entering team fights if at all possible.

So, Let's Break This Down

Yep, come back bitches if you want to see this section in full ;)


With everything I do, I'll admit, I take some pride in doing so. No matter what it is, I feel as if I have to perform at peak performance. With that in mind, I also think about the viewers who will read my guide. As soon as new updates are released, this resource is where everyone should come to for updates and questions. This guide has been standing for over a year now, and I have encouraged several players to take  Tryndamere up for play and have answered many of their questions along the way. Head to the threads for questions and either I or someone else will be sure to get to you with a response as soon as we read the post.

Subscribe to this guide if you want to be sure to get your news and updates as soon as they come out! Vote and comment ONLY after you have read my guide. Also, if you haven't tested it either, please do so before you vote. If you're new, it'll take time to get used whatever your new at: the champion, possibly build, and/or the game. Again, you can comment and ask questions, that's what I'm here for.

Comments (page 1 of 145)

Quote | PM | +Rep
by BloodyOutrage » July 4, 2010 5:48am | Report
Worked for me lol 5v5 18/0/6 + I killed 2 in the revive spot. This really works, Thanks a lot man.

BloodyOutrage ';..;'
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Gazna » July 29, 2010 4:04pm | Report
nothing to say...+1
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by zenz3n » July 31, 2010 9:24pm | Report
Very nice Build.
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by DEWO » August 2, 2010 5:27am | Report
damn you were faster with your guide XD I see you like the korean/chinese/japaniese whateva pics just like i do! :)

Btw. Clense does not remove DoTs anymore.

overall a great guide! with nice desc. I just dont like the Black Cleaver idea in main spec. I find lifesteal way better. With your AS (only 1AS item (not counting boots)) you will not hit that frequently to stack up the cleaver anyway.

Also the crit chance runes are good for lvl 1-10 but later on are totaly useless. I suggest crit damage not chance ones or mix of ArP/AS/Crit %. Going 100% crit chance with your passive is kinda odd for me.

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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Desoxyn » August 3, 2010 2:33am | Report
Dude great build, doin things slightly different now but its what i learned Tryn with.
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Quote | PM | +Rep
by Apotheosis » August 4, 2010 11:09am | Report
DEWO wrote:

damn you were faster with your guide XD I see you like the korean/chinese/japaniese whateva pics just like i do! :)

Btw. Clense does not remove DoTs anymore.

overall a great guide! with nice desc. I just dont like the Black Cleaver idea in main spec. I find lifesteal way better. With your AS (only 1AS item (not counting boots)) you will not hit that frequently to stack up the cleaver anyway.

Also the crit chance runes are good for lvl 1-10 but later on are totaly useless. I suggest crit damage not chance ones or mix of ArP/AS/Crit %. Going 100% crit chance with your passive is kinda odd for me.

Haha, get your own pics :P This was my wallpaper for sometime and I decided to use it in my guide because it looked so badass.

As far as the cleanse explanation comes; yea I changed it. I have so much typed up in my guide that I didn't correct it myself, so I appreciate you catching that one. Let me know if you find any other errors similar to it.

With the crit chance runes, it's that level 1-10 or so, and even beyond, that you really want to do something productive with if you've used Tryn a lot and gathered a great skill with him. It's also the same reason why I get the elixir at the start and use it when I know I've secured a kill(s). With full crit runes, as stated in the guide, I'm able to farm with more ease. The higher crit chance early game allows me to farm and get ahead in levels. I stack Bloodlust faster, giving me more dmg. It really doesn't change my late game if I were to have crit dmg runes instead. I'm able to get those higher dmg items faster than I would normally if I had had crit dmg runes. Most Tryns are focused on their Phantom Dancer early game, while I can focus on my Infinity Edge. There's my crit dmg, and I most likely had a much better start to my game (Which I usually do). Otherwise I'll agree that crit dmg would be better for the long run.

I kind of see your point on BC, why have it if you can't apply the applications quickly enough? BC regardless is a good item. It's 60 ArP off a 5 stack, and Tryndamere won't be the first to die in team fights. So, he will get that 5 stack up on a target for the others to kill, even as he dominates that target. On one of my builds, Youmuu's Ghostblade is an option for building, so you could pop that to increase the stacks faster on the target. That is a very nice means for ATS! I guess, however, I never got it enough, since it is a last item, to actually notice how fast it would stack. Tbh, it isn't an item I'll usually get if I have the capabilities of reaching it, but I suppose an item of it's same value of more use would be better.

The points stated above are my own, but EnderA actually had some good ones too:

"Tryndamere already has a crit damage boost skill, and loves having crit chance more than crit damage to charge that very same skill, especially early game. And again, armor pen > crit dmg."

A question arose for him asking: "Now what about Crit Chance vs Armor Pen?" and he responded "I'd say Armor Pen is almost always better, but it's not as clear-cut as Crit Damage. Obviously, Crit Chance is better for Tryndamere. Crit Chance is nice if you're going Infinity Edge. Crit Chance is decent if you love burst damage to the point of marriage. Other than that, Armor Pen is better. I don't have as much of a problem with people choosing Crit Chance as I do with people choosing Crit Damage, and the math isn't as simple, nor as one-sided."

Without his observations, I wouldn't have ever considered ArP, or done any sort of calculations for that matter!

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by Puhunny » August 8, 2010 8:21am | Report
Looks good. Don't have him and im thinking of buying him.

@Dewo the language is more than likely Chinese, if not its Japanese. Definitely not Korean. it has alot less characters :)

AND you cant spell slaughter without laughter :)
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by siimu » August 11, 2010 11:03am | Report
score 36/8/10

Lag was so bad 2000 years ago it took jesus 3 days to respawn
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by Sammsin » August 11, 2010 8:57pm | Report
Why do you use Critical Strike Chance instead of what ive seen on most other builds Critical Strike Damage? Jsut wanted to know why you prefer chance over dmg

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by Apotheosis » August 12, 2010 5:01am | Report

First of all, I'm going to need you to read my guide. At the very beginning, I explain why I do this, and throughtout my the rest of the guide, I emphasize again and again why I do so.

Secondly, there was another person who asked the same question above this comment. The answer was given to him already. Real brief, I'm not forcing you to get crit chance, it's just my playstyle and works for me. I ask that you and everyone else read my guide before asking your questions. I've dedicated countless hours to the guide, so everything is deeply described.

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