Lee Sin, the Blind Offtank (Laning/Jungling build)[In Depth]
Team 1
LoL Champion: Lee Sin
Health | 4106 |
Health Per 5 Sec | 103 |
Mana | 0 |
Mana Per 5 Sec | 0 |
Armor | 140 |
Magic Resist | 177.8 |
Attack Damage | 158 |
Crit Chance | 18% |
Crit Damage | 0% |
Attack Range | 125 |
Movement Speed | 424 |
Ability Power | 0 |
Attack Speed | 0% |
Life Steal | 0% |
Armor Penetration | 39.93 |
Magic Penetration | 0 |
Cooldown Reduction | 10.0% |
Dodge | 0.0% |
Gold Per 10 Sec | 0 |
Reduced Death Time | 0% |
Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Seal of Resilience
Greater Glyph of Shielding
Greater Quint of Desolation
Greater Quint of Fortitude
Ability Sequence
Ability | Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Flurry | |||||||||||||||||||
Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike | |||||||||||||||||||
Safeguard / Iron Will | |||||||||||||||||||
Tempest / Cripple | |||||||||||||||||||
Dragon's Rage |
Purchase Order
Long Sword
Health Potion
Wriggle's Lantern
Mercury's Treads
The Brutalizer
Giant's Belt
Frozen Mallet
Negatron Cloak
Force of Nature
Giant's Belt
Chain Vest
Atma's Impaler
Warmog's Armor
Mastery Trees
Offense: 12
Defense: 6
Utility: 9
Lee Sin, the Blind Offtank (Laning/Jungling build)[In Depth]
First, this is my first guide, and I decided to create it since I never seen a good Lee Sin. They all build him as a pure DPS, and this is wrong. Lee Sin is better as an offtank/dps.
And, forgive me, I'm not English, there are maybe some mistakes in my language.
And, forgive me, I'm not English, there are maybe some mistakes in my language.
This Lantern is your best friend !
First, I want to justify Wriggle's Lantern.
This item is quite cheap (only 1600 gold) and give you descent armor/damage and lifesteal. Add to this the ability tofarm/jungle easier and to ward for no cost.
There is another reason to this : the ward trick. What is the ward trick ? That's simple. With your ability, you're able to jump on wards. Putting a ward in front of you and jumping on it is like a Flash. Flash's cooldown is the double of ward's cooldown ! That's huge ! With this trick, you simply don't need Flash.
This item is quite cheap (only 1600 gold) and give you descent armor/damage and lifesteal. Add to this the ability tofarm/jungle easier and to ward for no cost.
There is another reason to this : the ward trick. What is the ward trick ? That's simple. With your ability, you're able to jump on wards. Putting a ward in front of you and jumping on it is like a Flash. Flash's cooldown is the double of ward's cooldown ! That's huge ! With this trick, you simply don't need Flash.
Summoner Spells
Main rune set
Greater Mark of Desolation The best runes to increase the damage of physical abilities. Since three of four of your abilities deals physical damage, these runes have no competitors. Greater Seal of Resilience Flat armor instead of armor/level. Simply because you get your Wriggle's Lantern soon in the game and you only need armor in the very late game to be more sustainable in lane. Best seals for jungling too. | _____ | Greater Glyph of Shielding Since you won't get Negatron Cloakbefore level 15, these runes helps you to keep a descent magic resistance before that level. Greater Quintessence of Desolation Same as Marks. |
Other runes worth considering
Greater Quintessence of Fortitude
Just in case you want to add some early survivability. Good if you don't start with Doran's Shield
21 points in Offense is not required for Lee Sin. Alacrity and Lethality are pretty useless on him, and only deserve to grab Havoc. Putting these 6 points into Hardiness and Resistance seems more helpful for me.
If you think that taking Utility Mastery is better than taking Greed, feel free to do it.
I'm taking all masteries a jungler needs. You can switch points from [Hardiness] into [Brute Force] but I feel safer with armor in the jungle.
Skill Explanation
You really have to mind this spell when you play Lee Sin. Without it, you would be out of energy in seconds. Between each ability, you have to hit your foe at least one time. It's also freaking insane to destroy turrets.
This 2 in 1 spell is a great burst early game. The more the target is low HP, the more this spell deals damage. It's perfect to kill runners or to quickly teleport on squishy carries.
The first ability is a low CD shield which grants you to quickly teleport on your allies. You can cast it on yourself if you're fighting 1v1. When the shield breaks, you recoverer half of the cost. The second ability grants you armor, lifesteal and spell vamp. This means more survivability in line or in fight. Simply great.
This spell is my favorite. This first one is a good damage AoE, perfect to kill low health minions waves, and to deals descent damage in teamfights. The second one is amazing. Once you hit enemies with Tempest, you can slow their AS/MS by 50% for 4 seconds. One of the best spell to counter high AS carries like Master Yi.
Your ultimate is a great mono-target ability dealing high instant damage. It's really good to finish enemies (or to steal a kill). In team-fights, this ultimate is better than ever. It can also disable all enemies hit by the pushed target for 1 second.
This 2 in 1 spell is a great burst early game. The more the target is low HP, the more this spell deals damage. It's perfect to kill runners or to quickly teleport on squishy carries.
The first ability is a low CD shield which grants you to quickly teleport on your allies. You can cast it on yourself if you're fighting 1v1. When the shield breaks, you recoverer half of the cost. The second ability grants you armor, lifesteal and spell vamp. This means more survivability in line or in fight. Simply great.
This spell is my favorite. This first one is a good damage AoE, perfect to kill low health minions waves, and to deals descent damage in teamfights. The second one is amazing. Once you hit enemies with Tempest, you can slow their AS/MS by 50% for 4 seconds. One of the best spell to counter high AS carries like Master Yi.
Your ultimate is a great mono-target ability dealing high instant damage. It's really good to finish enemies (or to steal a kill). In team-fights, this ultimate is better than ever. It can also disable all enemies hit by the pushed target for 1 second.
Starting Items
Gives you damage for a best early burst, and helps you to complete
your Wriggle's Lantern sooner. In return, you'll be less sustainable in lane.
Great starting item but will slow your Lantern's incoming.
Core Items
Preferred Items
Others viable items
Tanks options :
Banshee's Veil is a good choice if you have CCer against you.
Randuin's Omen is my opinion the best option against AD teams. Its active and passive synergizes well with Cripple.
You can also choose Guardian Angel, which will prevent your enemies to focus you and giving you descent survivability against each damage type.
Dps options :
Last Whisper is what I would get in very late game. The 40% ARP is really awesome. Furthermore, it's a good replacement for The Brutalizer.
The Bloodthirster is the second best choice, giving you more lifesteal and the highest AD amount.
Banshee's Veil is a good choice if you have CCer against you.
Randuin's Omen is my opinion the best option against AD teams. Its active and passive synergizes well with Cripple.
You can also choose Guardian Angel, which will prevent your enemies to focus you and giving you descent survivability against each damage type.
Dps options :
Last Whisper is what I would get in very late game. The 40% ARP is really awesome. Furthermore, it's a good replacement for The Brutalizer.
The Bloodthirster is the second best choice, giving you more lifesteal and the highest AD amount.
Laning Phase
Lane playstyle :
Try to lane with a good CCer or a good early DPS (like Xin Zhao). If you can get a kill, don't hesitate but don't take risk at this level.
Level 2 will come soon, and you'll start harassing them with . Don't forget to farm alot with this. Use (if your enemy is too close from his tower, don't use it), then quickly spell . Hit him as you can, and back.
With few combos like this one, your opponents would be seriously damaged. Low HP champs are always under pressure against Lee Sin, it's time to get the control of the line. Farm, farm, farm, you need it to shine.
When you're level 4, you'll start doing descent damage on creeps, and you'll be able to regen descently with . With Lee Sin you're able to tower dive really soon and successfully : you have 2 "teleport" ability. Remember to always know what the opponents can do to counter you. A stun/exhaust near tower = death.
The first time you use Recall, you should be able to buy Wriggle's Lantern. If you can't, take at least Vampiric Scepter.
When reaching level 6, killing will become much easier. Your ultimate is a solo target nuke, and perfect to deals mortal damage. If you can, pushing your enemy under your tower, or simply away from his one will end as a kill, or at least forcing him to Recall.
Try to lane with a good CCer or a good early DPS (like Xin Zhao). If you can get a kill, don't hesitate but don't take risk at this level.
Level 2 will come soon, and you'll start harassing them with . Don't forget to farm alot with this. Use (if your enemy is too close from his tower, don't use it), then quickly spell . Hit him as you can, and back.
With few combos like this one, your opponents would be seriously damaged. Low HP champs are always under pressure against Lee Sin, it's time to get the control of the line. Farm, farm, farm, you need it to shine.
When you're level 4, you'll start doing descent damage on creeps, and you'll be able to regen descently with . With Lee Sin you're able to tower dive really soon and successfully : you have 2 "teleport" ability. Remember to always know what the opponents can do to counter you. A stun/exhaust near tower = death.
The first time you use Recall, you should be able to buy Wriggle's Lantern. If you can't, take at least Vampiric Scepter.
When reaching level 6, killing will become much easier. Your ultimate is a solo target nuke, and perfect to deals mortal damage. If you can, pushing your enemy under your tower, or simply away from his one will end as a kill, or at least forcing him to Recall.
Simple jungle route :
1. Start to golems, use potion and Smite the one you're focusing, active , and finish them.
2. Now, go to Wraiths (kill the blue first) and use a potion.
3. Your next target is wolves camp. You don't need a potion this time.
4. Once you're level 3, you have to take blue buff. Go to Ancient Golem, use a potion before the fight and Smite around 40% HP.
5. Now if you have Armor Seal, you can continue your jungle by repeating this cycle : Golem -> Wraith -> Wolves. If you don't have runes, go to 6th step.
6. After this, go back and take your Wriggle's Lantern. Now go to Lizard and start ganking. If you switched 5th step, go for Madred's Razor.
Jungle Skill Rotation :
Use Safeguard/Iron Will first, then Tempest/Cripple. You have to take advantage of your . Between each spell, you have to hit your target 2 times, to maximize the buff uptime. In this case, you'll get 50% "permanent" AS.
1. Start to golems, use potion and Smite the one you're focusing, active , and finish them.
2. Now, go to Wraiths (kill the blue first) and use a potion.
3. Your next target is wolves camp. You don't need a potion this time.
4. Once you're level 3, you have to take blue buff. Go to Ancient Golem, use a potion before the fight and Smite around 40% HP.
5. Now if you have Armor Seal, you can continue your jungle by repeating this cycle : Golem -> Wraith -> Wolves. If you don't have runes, go to 6th step.
6. After this, go back and take your Wriggle's Lantern. Now go to Lizard and start ganking. If you switched 5th step, go for Madred's Razor.
Jungle Skill Rotation :
Use Safeguard/Iron Will first, then Tempest/Cripple. You have to take advantage of your . Between each spell, you have to hit your target 2 times, to maximize the buff uptime. In this case, you'll get 50% "permanent" AS.
How to act (teamfights)
Mid-game is over, you ganked alot everywhere and pushed turrets down. Late game is starting. You have to fight in team.
Safeguard is really good to enter/leave the fight.
Use Cripple to counter Yi and others Tryndanoobs.
Your ultimate is really insane. Well used, it can change the fight. Use it on the guy who come first (aka the tank), and also to hit the whole teal. Used this way, you ultimate can be an amazing initiating tool.
Try to always refresh Cripple on their DPS, use to quickly blink on squishy ranged and killing them.
In this kind of battle, don't forget , energy will fall really fast.
Safeguard is really good to enter/leave the fight.
Use Cripple to counter Yi and others Tryndanoobs.
Your ultimate is really insane. Well used, it can change the fight. Use it on the guy who come first (aka the tank), and also to hit the whole teal. Used this way, you ultimate can be an amazing initiating tool.
Try to always refresh Cripple on their DPS, use to quickly blink on squishy ranged and killing them.
In this kind of battle, don't forget , energy will fall really fast.
10/04 - Added History and Skill Explanation sections.
13/04 - Fixed some code and improved jungle build.
01/06 - Changed Masteries/Runes of Jungle build. Revamped the How to act (lane) section since the Wriggle's Lantern changes. Some text arranging.
30/08 - Totally revamped the build format and improved masteries/items.
13/04 - Fixed some code and improved jungle build.
01/06 - Changed Masteries/Runes of Jungle build. Revamped the How to act (lane) section since the Wriggle's Lantern changes. Some text arranging.
30/08 - Totally revamped the build format and improved masteries/items.
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