Thursday, September 08, 2011

Wukong The Beast King

Wukong The Beast King

19 Votes
By: Moonedge on 2011-08-08 :: Viewed 34232 times
Tags: beastdamagekingmonkeypure powerthewukong 

LoL Champion: Wukong (Cheat Sheet)

League of Legends Wukong Spell Ghost 
League of Legends Wukong Spell Exhaust
Health Per 5 Sec16
Mana Per 5 Sec18
Magic Resist90.91
Attack Damage326
Crit Chance30%
Crit Damage0%
Attack Range175
Movement Speed432
Ability Power30
Attack Speed71%
Life Steal15%
Armor Penetration34.94
Magic Penetration0
Cooldown Reduction15.0%
Gold Per 10 Sec0
Reduced Death Time0%
LoL Rune Greater Mark of Desolation
Greater Mark of Desolation
LoL Rune Greater Seal of Resilience
Greater Seal of Resilience
LoL Rune Greater Glyph of Warding
Greater Glyph of Warding
LoL Rune Greater Quintessence of Alacrity
Greater Quint of Alacrity

Ability Sequence

league of legends ability Stone SkinStone Skin
league of legends ability Crushing BlowCrushing BlowWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability
league of legends ability DecoyDecoyWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability
league of legends ability Nimbus StrikeNimbus StrikeWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability
league of legends ability CycloneCycloneWukong lol abilityWukong lol abilityWukong lol ability

Purchase Order

Doran's Blade
Mercury's Treads
Trinity Force
Vampiric Scepter
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Last Whisper
The Black Cleaver
The Bloodthirster

Mastery Trees

Plentiful Bounty
Archmage's Savvy
Burning Embers
Archaic Knowledge
Offensive Mastery
Brute Force
Improved Rally

Offense: 0

Mender's Faith
Strength of Spirit
Defensive Mastery
Harden Skin
Veteran's Scars

Defense: 21

Spatial Accuracy
Good Hands
Expanded Mind
Utility Mastery
Blink of an Eye
Mystical Vision
Presence of the Master

Utility: 9

Wukong The Beast King

By: Moonedge


Well this is my build, if you don't like/play Wukong, you shouldn't be reading this, so please don't read this unless you want to, no one is stopping you, and please don't downvote this because you aren't good with Wukong, or downvote it because you lost using my build. I'm not guaranteeing anything, and if you don't like it, tell me how I can make it better, it'd be much appreciated. Now onwards to the build! Firstly, this is a pure power build, not a lot of survivability I know, but rest assured if you can build this build by the end of the game, there is no stopping you. Even if you don't, the enemies still have little to no chance of winning... Just saying. Secondly, Wukong isn't an initiator, and I don't normally engage enemies with more than 80% of their HP unless I have built Youmuu's, and I don't engage more than 3 enemies with more than 50% HP unless I have Bloodthrister. The point of it, is to sneak in from behind, and kill your enemies one by one, never head into what looks to be a gank (obviously). It's very easy to use Decoy to jump in a bush, then Nimbus strike back out, right into the enemy's face, unleashing all hell, until they die, when you just silently walk out. It's the equivalent of Wukong smacking the player in the face with his rod.


MARKS: I prefer armor penetration, because it tags well with Last Whisper
SEALS: I use armor seals, because combined with the masteries, this makes him alot more durable
GLYPHS: Magic resist is a safe bet here, mixes nicely with the armor, considering you can't have enough defense.
QUINTESSENCES: Attack speed is the most useful of all, because you get a great boost from Nimbus Strike, and Black Cleaver too.


The masteries are what were suggested by Phreak in Wukong's Champion Spotlight, I've used them, they are actually very useful. Regardless of no survivability from runes or items, this is where he makes up for it. Unless you're some sort of genius and manage to get in a 5 man gank, and don't run, I don't care about you anymore. These masteries aren't meant to make you unkillable, nor are they meant to make you a tank, they are meant to make you much less susceptible to losing a 1v1, because Wukong isn't a team fighter, however you can do that with this build, but he is meant to pick off the enemies one by one.


Firstly, buy your Doran's Blade, lifesteal isn't noticeable, but the damage and extra HP is useful early on. Buy Mercury Treads first, I didn't include potions in the build for they are optional, and situational. Immediately after rush Trinity Force, they way you build it is also optional/situational, but I prefer Phage first, then Sheen, and usually I can buy the rest next time I go back. The rest of the items are in any order, however getting Youmuu's is the best start but I usually grab a Vampiric Scepter for lifesteal, then Last whisper, Black Cleaver and finally Bloodthirster, however it's up to you.

Skill Sequence

I get the Crushing Blow first, then Nimbus strike, Decoy, another point in Crushing Blow, then max out Nimbus Strike, getting your Ultimate whenever possible, then max out Decoy, and end with Crushing Blow. For some reason, nobody maxes Decoy before Crushing Blow, let me explain why I do. Dropping a Decoy when you initiate a 1v1, means you have that 1.5 second invisibility, which allows you to move into the correct position to strike. Another reason is it deals quite a bit of damage when it dies, making it all the more useful.

The general idea of your skill setup is to Nimbus strike in, drop your Decoy in case they fight back, and hit them with a Crushing Blow for the armor debuff, use Cyclone, and end them with another Nimbus Strike/Crushing Blow combo.

Summoner Spells

I chose Exhaust and Ghost, because Cyclone increases movespeed, so does Ghost... giving you a very handy gap closer, this also works with Nimbus Strike if the enemy is too far away. Exhaust, similar concept, slow rather than speed, but is also used to defeat enemies faster, because they now have reduced damage. Obviously the enemies will be surprised that you use your ultimate to catch them, they also were surprised I scored 22 kills and no deaths in my first game using this build.


Unless I really have to write a Summary, you could just read the build...
Simply put, this build is meant for quick, yet precise actions, a false move could put you in a tight spot, however executed properly,you will be a force to be reckoned with.

Detailed Summary (Not that detailed):

EARLY GAME: In all honesty, his early game is his worst, but it is still good, you just don't deal enough damage fast enough, this gets fixed later however, some my even go as far as saying you deal a little too much damage if there ever was such a thing.

MID GAME: This is where all your problems will be solved, not a bad idea now to grab red buff by level 8 or sooner assuming you don't have a jungler, for this makes jumping in much, much easier.

LATE GAME: Ah, late game, when you finish getting all your items together, the burst damage you throw out is beyond godlike, your enemies will want to surrender, but they have two people on their team who thinks they can still win... Those two are wrong.

Pros / Cons

Easy to kill enemies in a few seconds
Great gap closers
Amazing escape tactics
Very useful in 5v5 team fights

Not very high survivability
Slow early game
Almost no Crowd Control aside from Cyclone
Useless when outnumbered


Nimbus Strike is the second best farming ability ever, use it, deal 400+ damage, increased attack speed. Enough said? I have on a few occasions used Cyclone to farm, since when the build is complete it deals 500 damage per second for four seconds... But it is a waste usually.

What not to do

Whatever you do, do not, and I mean NEVER, ever fight a Warwick, or a Master Yi, unless you are 100% sure, you can win, even then I still don't recommend it. Warwick can suppress you and easily stay alive longer than you in a 1v1, and Master Yi, if he uses Alpha Strike get ready to use Decoy and run, or chances are you're already dead, because after, he'll for sure use Highlander, and if he does, you can't run. Unless you use Ghost and Cyclone, in which case, Congratz, you lived!

Team Work

Honestly, Wukong isn't a team player, if you try to coordinate a gank, chances are he is gonna get the kill, every single time, Nimbus strike's triple target is an obvious reason, and his ultimate is a speed boosting AoE DoT... Yeah. Please note I listed great at 5v5 team fights in the Pros section. It's true, your multi target brust damage is phenomenal, however your teammates might get mad if you KS them, even though it's not when you did all the damage.

Unique Skills

This build allows you to walk up to an enemy, smash them in the face, kill them and then calmly, leave, many times have I done this, and alot of the time I decoyed behind them and 1 shot them with Crushing Blow. Yeah, I'm talking about 1.3k damage Q and 700 damage E, and 2k damage Cyclones. Can anyone say "nerf me now?"

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